
Can someone who knows about Psi ball answer the questions below?

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To make a visible ''Psi ball'' how long to you have to be learning for?

Once you have done it along time, how many minutes would it take?

What will it look like?

Will other people be able to see it?

If it's strong enough can you stop solid objects passing through it?

Can it be dangerous if you throw it at someone?




  1. I would not tell the secrets, but you should not even be close to psiball. It is much to powerful. You should not entertain thoughts of psiball as it may be harmful. Psiballs can stop anything but they are like the laser, where it does not stop, but keeps going, so you have to not throw them.

  2. Generally it takes a long time to develop this skill, at least it did for me. I have been working with energy for over 10 years now and find that energy balls are an excellent way to clear out stagnant energy, or deter a negative entity from staying in your space.

    Once purely for fun and to see if others could sense anything when I do it. (trying to prove to myself that it was not purely in my mind) I shot an energy ball of white light at an unsuspecting friend.

    We were standing in line waiting for someone, I would never do it to someone who was busy doing something that required their attention, or would not have approved in the first place. Fortunately for me, my friend is very open to this sort of thing, and also has a good sense of humour.

    Anyway, back to my story...When it hit her shoulder she actually stumbled, and then looked straight at me and asked me what I did. I was really impressed that someone else who didn't know anything about energy balls could feel what I did. Which once again confirms to me how much we don't actually know about our universe. :)

    I have had other people be able to see when I work with energy, but as for the general public being able to see it, I would like to believe that that is possible, although I have never heard of it happening.

    I don't think that a psi-ball could ever stop a solid object, although I am sure there are other forms of energy that could.

    Yes, it could be dangerous to throw at someone. If they have issues with their chi energy you could throw that off. Also if someone is more open to these things, you could startle them. That would be the same as saying boo for example. Ok for fun but not when they are driving etc.

    In order to make an energy ball, cup your hands like you are holding a snowball. Imagine pure white light flowing out of your palm chakras. Watch as it pools between your hands. With practice you will begin to feel the air between your hands change ajnd become more warm and dense. Once it feels more solid, swiftly through it at the wall, and sense out the difference between before and after. If you have an open minded friend you could practice throwing them at each other and try to sense the difference.

    Don't be discouraged if you aren't successful right away. It takes a lot of concentration and practice.

    Good luck!


  3. I know all there is to know about psi balls.

    You can create one instantly.  The psi ball a rookie like you creates today--right now--is no different than the one an "expert" creates.  Since you will be hallucinating your psi ball you can make it look like whatever you wish.  Unless other people are easily influenced by the power of suggestion and they have a fantasy-prone personality, they will not be able to see it.  Even if they are fantasy-prone they won't be able to see it unless you tell them about it first.  Since it's a hallucination it has no presence in the real world, so it can't affect solid, real objects.  Also, since it's a hallucination, no one can be harmed by it unless they believe they can be harmed by it.

  4. I'll throw a brick at anybody who claims to be able to make one.

    It's a load of tosh!

  5. My guess is to take a chi class and work your way up... or befriend a dragon ball z character

  6. hey bud go here, great resource site.

  7. There is no such thing as a visible psiball outside of comic books and video games.

    Extensive studies have been done to study psi-balls or chi-balls, depending on your school of thought. No measurable anomalies were found in electricity, magnetic fields, or any other kind of energy.

    In other words, Mr A is right, its imaginary. A number of martial arts teachers make claims that they can knock people down with chi-balls, however, they will only demonstrate on thier own students, because it might hurt other people. Its a scam, it doesnt work on other people. They wave thier hands and thier own students pretend to fall down.

  8. You don't have to do any learning to make one.  You can create them instantly.  It will look like whatever you want it to look like.  Other people will not be able to see it.  It can't stop solid objects and it can't be dangerous.

    Because the only psi ball you can make is the one in your imagination!

    What the h**l is tosh?

  9. The photonic output of a Psi ball is minimal to say the least.

    To 'see' one is very hard indeed. However, try joining the nearest Tai-Chi class you know of if you haven't already.

    They will teach you breathing exercises and how to properly channel your ambient energy.

    I myself can create a ball of energy yet I can never use it for destructive purposes. Hurting someone, yes, but not fatally. Only someone of unique power and will can do that.

    Although this is where the mis-leading begins.

    You see, you can never create enough energy to form a real physical ball of seen energy.


    The human body cannot channel the energy required properly. This is a bio-logical restraint more than anything. Electric eels are better equipped for this amount of power but they have no hands or other containing protrusions!.

    Also, despite the 'feeling' of a ball, it is actually akin to a vortex of constantly spinning energy leaking in and out of the confines of your hands. Real masters will only use their Psi balls briefly after breaking the hand seal then rejoin their hands again so as to maintain a decent amount.

    another factor is the mistaken belief of pins and needles being a precursor to the balls manifestation. Only a warmth is really felt after a decent ball is made. The pins and needles effect are actually blocked channels being...unblocked.

    To answer the question properly and in short though; to 'see' 'feel' and 'throw' a Psi ball, you will need to have a unique physiology akin to the electric eel. As for being dangerous...have you ever felt the shock of said eel? up to 600 volts! and higher in some cases.

  10. If you don't have the patience. You can always take LSD, Shrooms or Ayahuasca to see the effects, very visibly in fact. Contrary to what most people think, hallucinogens can show you whats 'not there' and 'whats there'. As in, our perceptions of these phenomenas are filtered, under hallucinations you gain visual acuity, sensitivity to lights and energy, colours, everything appears sharper and indepth. You can see the energies of trees, but don't let that little secret be a crutch - lets assume you want to make one sober, it is relatively easy, breath control, visualisation, focus. Visibility is rather not trying to force you to see whats there, but rather, altering your conciousness to first feel the presence, and then enter that zen transitionary period where your mind is able to form a mental picture and the first signs of visibility is a somewhat transparent wavey consistency with occasional tiny flitters of dusty white, black or grey visuals.

    I don't want to break your bubble but don't expect anything Dragonballz like, and throwing a ball at someone is certainly diminishing unless you happen to have an extreme amount of focus, at best all they will feel is a slight 'tingle'. Solid objects, its likely that solid objects may change the energy rotation but it can be possible to pass matter, although it will be costly in energy and require extreme concentration. Anything is possible with quantum mechanics.

    The learning curve, depending on your experience of yourself, and sensitivity to phenomena of consciousness changes and so forth, it can either immediately or several weeks. The best advise, I can offer is to visualise something such as a waterfall, or roots, or any other substitute. Be acquinted with your body, much of the power happens from the heart chakra, so it is important to be positive and loving rather then destructive. Generally, empathic people who are able to recognise they're the same as a tree and the universe have a better intuition and access to infinite energy reserves. So the intent of a psi ball to cause 'harm' will come from the ego which is not so powerful and much more exhausting for yourself. Have fun! And you may be disappointed that other people may not 'see it'. That is because its generally a meta physical matter, and while you are taking off the 'yellow lens' of reality they still have it on, its possible for the person to feel the presense and see the psiball if they're an active participant. A good example would be healing, or tantric practices, particurly using one hand to push energy out and using the other to absorb the energy from the partner. Kind of like a round cycle. hope that helps

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