
Can someone who read "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine help me?

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1. What was Paine's life like prior to his meeting with Benjamin Franklin in 1774?

2. What did Paine believe was America's destiny? Explain why?

3. According to Paine, why was Great Britain interested in America?

4. What did Paine think of Great Britain's so-called right to rule America?

5. What technique of persuasion does Paine use in this pamphlet?

6. Explain how "Common Sense" was used as a tool in furthering the cause of colonial independence and win the war.

7. List some thoughts from "Common Sense" that would have been new and radical thinking in 1776, but that are commonly held in America today.

This is for my summer assignment for APUSH, I'm 3/4 done with the book, but need help with these questions.

ESPECIALLY #s 1, 2, 4, 6. THANKS!




  1. Well, I would love to answer this question...but it looks like it's for homework and as a teacher, that would be wrong of me.

    Common Sense was a HUGE motivator during the Revolution as summed up by Washington when he said (paraphrased) that it had "moved the hearts and minds of the country".  But aside from that, the book (it's really not that long, it was a pamphlet)  and do your own homework ;)


    Good luck!

  3. Perhaps you should read the paper and come to your own thoughts. I am not going to do your homework.

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