
Can someone who thinks they understand paranormal tell me false or true about these things?

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I am having a hard time understanding the concept of a few things.

1st: Dead Time i understand it but when does it end? 3am start end time?

2nd: I have seen a few shows where people are trapped as a ghost being held hostage to a demon or that they roam the area because they dont want to leave. My question is if God loved his people and these people were good why would he let a demonic soul take captive of other good souls?

3rd: Orbs so we went from ghost/spirits/angels/demons to Orbs? Or is orbs what can be seen when using scientific tools? Orbs seems like a new thing maybe made up and such.

4th: Is there something a individual can do to call upon a dead realitive to see that they have passed on safely to heaven or is it always up in the air?




  1. First, these should be posted as separate answerers will have more chances of B.A.s.  One person probably can't answer ALL these questions accurately. I know I can't...but I'll try to answer what I can.

    ..based on what I've learned on here.

    1st...Really good question. Maybe till Dawn.

    2nd...MAYBE..some people are afraid to cross over or go to the light. Just because they've been good..doesn't mean they're smart or not afraid of the unknown. MAYBE it's what some call "Purgatory". The thing about that is that I don't believe evil &/or torture ever made anybody learn to love. I think evil destroys love. I think only being with God can make love grow.

    3rd..Maybe orbs were always there..but we didn't have the tools to be able to see them. I know that some people see them without cameras etc. Maybe they just didn't leave records of seeing them or thought they weren't paranormal. Maybe we haven't found the records where they told about them.  (There were pictures of possible UFOs in art in a question posted on here..but I know that I never noticed them before.) Maybe it's the same with orbs.

    4th...You can pray and call on them all you want..I know it doesn't always work.(and you never know who you'll get who might be disguising theirself as your relative)Maybe they leave signs ,but we don't or can't see or hear them. That's why people go to psychics..hoping they can see or hear what they can't.

    5th...Yes, I believe this can happen. There are too many reports of it to deny it. But, I think some of these are people astral traveling..or using mentalism or ESP or telepathy or transference of thoughts etc. Most people don't think of this or don't know about it and assume they're ghosts or demons.

  2. 1st: donno

    2nd: god does this because each of us as individuals soals need to learn to love. love is the greatest power and can save us from anything and can heal any situation.  we are supposed to learn how to love.. thats why we are here on earth. so god wants us to learn so we can spiritually evolve. i am not talking about the love you see in movies.. its a diff kind of feeling that you normally get while with nature, animals or babies. read the celestine prophecy to understand more about this.

    3rd: donno

    4th: you can do this by asking and then meditating.. dont always think about it as you will not be able to hear it then. also, you can ask just before sleeping, don't think of it. you will probably have a dream on it..

  3. 1st:  Dead time is a stigma created that is supposed to be the oppossite time of Christ's death. This time of 3:00 a.m. is supposed to be the portal time which allows the free flow of spirits into our "world". As for the end of dead time, there are to many different answers all I know is some time before sunlight.

    2nd:  First let me say I am not religeous so I'm just going to touch on my beliefs. A person that decides to stay here usually has a personal reason whether it be to watch family or unfinished business, it just that, their decision. As for a demon holding a spirit hostage, I personally do not believe that either. A demon or melevolent spirit might mimic a loved one to gain trust or energy from you.

    3rd:  Orbs very very contraversial. Many think that they hold a spirits energy, others say it is just the way a spirit travels, I believe a "true" orb is just the fastest way a spirit can manifest using the least amount of energy. They give off their own light, and can be seen with the naked eye. Also they maybe occompanied with coldness or an eerie feeling.

    But most orbs can be dismissed as moisture, dust, bugs, or lens flare.

    4th:  If you feel that a loved one is still around you, then you can just ask. You can always go to a reputable psychic or medium and ask them. However the only way you will truly know is when  you pass away or science makes great advances in your lifetime. (sorry for the morbid comment).

    5th:  It was a movie, even if based on "some" true events, not all were.  The main person had a history that would lead me to believe in some sort of pschosis.

  4. 1) What a heck is dead time?

    2) God does not cause that to happen. That is the job of Satan.  Only Jesus can save you from evil.

    3) Orbs are scattered light effects in photos caused by light refraction. Nothing supernatural to that.

    4) No, mediums talk to demons who imitate as dead relative and thus fool the poor person to think that its his dead relative talking to him.

  5. Ok.. its like this .. as far as I know..

    Dead time is between 3am and dawn..some say midnight till dawn and some others say 3am till 5am..

    2..He don't.. they for whatever reason do... fear.. mostly.. confusion, some. If an evil spirit has a hold on a clean spirit most likely that same spirit had a hold on them in life as well..

    3.Orbs have been around forever.. ever since cameras.. a true orb is spirit energy.. it will give its own light, and can change into mist and solid forms.Sometimes shadows..whatever it wants.

    4.. That's a hard question.. if you think a person is still around then you can tell them they need to move on.. explain what happened and ask them to go to the light..tell them when its your turn you will see them then.Some times they just need permission to leave you.. sad huh? But once they go they have no more sadness.Wouldn't it be nice if there were like say a 900 number to call.. "Hello Heaven? I would like to know if my sweet old Auntie Rose made it yet? She has .. oh thank you . Have a nice day!" Would sure make thing easy.

  6. 1. Dead time ends at 4am.

    2. God doesn't let that happen, it happens when the spirit believes what the demon tells it.

    3. Orbs are a questionable thing, most are bugs or dust,  it is rare to find a real orb.

    4. It's always up in the air.  You can call on someone and get an answer, but that does not mean it is the person you called on.  A demon or evil spirit will lie to you and say they are someone they are not just to get you to invite them in.  Then they will cause trouble and not leave, they can even physically harm you.

  7. Dead Time, People who are sensitive to spirits will tell you, that spirits are active anytime of the day or night.  I have had activity all hours of the day as well as night.

    Hostage; I have talked to one of the people involved in the movie The Enity. Though the case is real, with alot of experiences, he said, not everything in the movie was real. She was stalked by a demon. He could not get into details of which is & which isn't. Our conversations let me draw the trueth.

    There are demons, no doubt about it. It is Faith that keeps you safe. I'll insert a link to a demon encounter. One of the producers from the tv show on Discovery, called both myself & a my friend. They wanted to do a show on our experiences. Because we do have a certain level of understanding of the spirit realm, we are not afraid. The producers wanted to take the experiences, make it alot more then what they were, and add a deep sense of fear element to it. We said we wouldn't do that and they they said, they didn't want us.

    Not all orbs are spirits. There are spirit orbs. I believe, because we are energy, traveling between the parrell dimensions, we see their movement as orbs. There are also different color orbs. Though no one can say exactly what the different colors mean, we do not have that answer, we can only speculate. I believe some colors represent the level of spirituality.

    We all want to know if the one we love, that has passed over, is happy & where they should be. There are true sensitive mediums out there that might be able to help. Our family comes around for visits all the time. Though we may not see them or sense them, they do.

    Just remember, tv shows & movies are out there to make money. So the scarier the better.

  8. Ill try my best.1Dead time-Silly, with time zones and leap years it would be impossible to compute.

    2.This is a real conundrum.Most religions Christianity for instance teach this.God has places for them based on their lives.There are no alternatives.So there would be no souls good or evil left among the living.Believing in ghosts as souls is not just silly it's sinfully silly.According to Catholic and most Christian doctrine,or dogma,if you prefer.

    3 Orbs-Most paranormal investigators have identified orbs as dust,moisture and completely explainable.

    4 Calling on the dead.Sorry can't be done.Possibly sinful behavior for the religious to even try

    5 Confusing Horror movies with real life is very silly.Even the movies based on supposedly true stories have disclaimers at the end.

  9. 1. Usually before dawn - 5:00 - 5:45 for whatever reason

    2. Spirits become trapped because they aren't aware or cannot accept they are dead. Life was too appealing to them, and they have unfinished business. Demons do as they will. You can't answer what or why G_d does anything or allows.

    3. Spirits are thought to manifest in various forms, orbs came about because of electronics - video cameras and digital cameras. To say definately that they are spirits is still up in the air since many say the paranormal does not exist.

    4. Even those like Sylvia Brown, and John Edwards claim to be able to get these relative to speak to them, we have to be cautious trying it on our own.

    5.There have been phyisical attacks by poltergeists, the movie was claimed to be based on true events. Look up incubus and succubus they are supposed to be sexual demons.

  10. I'll give it my best shot...

    1) I don't believe in dead time myself. I personally think that people experience more at night simply because the night is quieter, when it's quieter and you're still, you're more likely to hear or see or feel the more subtle things.

    2) I'm not sure I understand what you mean here--a ghost who roams the area because they don't want to leave is just that--a lost wandering soul who simply chooses not to leave. Free will applies after death as well.

    A ghost being held hostage by a demon.... free will is all I gotta say.

    3) Orbs I'm told are the easiest form a spirit can take on earth when they want to be seen. It takes quite a bit of energy for them to manifest fully. I don't think it's a new thing... spirits and the search for them is a new age thing these days, paranormal investigations are simply happening more often now a days, so more orbs are getting seen. It's always been there--people are just now really noticing.

    4--my opinion, pray and ask God to give them a sign their relative is with Him in heaven and at peace.

    5--I seriously don't think so, but there are still things about the paranormal I don't understand. I want to say demons only have power over you if allow them to have power over you, by the power of belief, but let's face it, it's happened sometimes and for the life of me I don't understand it either. Except to say that maybe the person doesn't realize that a demon can't really hurt them, so thereby giving the demon power over them (it really is that easy, simply leaving your front door open is inviting it to come inside).

    BUT... I also believe that most of these shows are out to make a buck. I've watched a so called paranormal show and been told very strongly by my guardian angels that what they showed absolutely cannot happen the way they showed it. They blow things WAY out of proportion on those shows. "dramatization" says it all. Don't believe everything you see.

  11. 1. Starts at 3 a.m. and ends at 4:00 a.m.

        In whatever time zone the Vatican is in since the Catholic church decided on this as the holy hour and there is no evidence to support 3 p.m. as the time of Christ's death.

    2. This is two distinct questions. Being held by a demon is not the same as choosing to stay in a location.

    one could also ask if God is good why does he allow suffering. However, this is religious question not a paranormal or scientific one. My personal opinion is that the only thing we can know of God is that we can not comprehend such a being. I also think demons are a belief system and dealing with such matters in such a way works for the people that have that belief system (sometimes).

    3. I think Orbs are dust, moisture spots, dirty lenses, flares, etc. Orbs were not popular until the digital age when everyone thought they could be photographers by pushing a button and not having any understanding of photography. Early digital cameras failed to properly fill in pixels due to low light and created an orb cult among digital camera users (again with no understanding of photography).

    4. Again this is a belief system and attempts to study this scientifically (since at least 1882) have been frustrating. For example if one has a good seance or medium one has to guard against cold reading techniques (easily done despite the claims of skeptics) and then one has to assess the information for accuracy (much more difficult) and then one has to determine the source of the information. How to separate ESP information from a possible deceased spirit is quite complicated if not impossible. Of course this is after one has eliminated the many frauds and can actually obtain results worth at least examining.

    No, you can not have a false or true statement about any of thee questions because you did not ask any question in such a way that true or false would be the appropriate answer and the answers are a more complicated than true/false would allow.

    Edit: The Entity case is thought by many to be psychokinesis where the woman created something that was able to attack her because of her guilt and other issues in her life. Others believe that is was a simple medical disorder (like a negative placebo effect) that caused her perceptions of these attacks. The movie was dramatized and none of the investigators were actually present during a sexual attack.


  12. "orbs have been around sense cameras" you would think that should clue one in as to what they are.

    Orbs are nothing more than lens imperfections, and any body with glasses should be able to tell what orbs are, its usually dust or water on a lens, which the viewer(or device) isn't focusing on, expanding the particle and making it blurry to the viewer(or device).

  13. 1.  Some kind of Catholic dogma, has to do with the time Christ died, as if they really know that.

    2.  Most ghost are here because they choose to stay with family, got lost on the way home, or are afraid to face judgment.  You have control over your own soul and only you can give away that control.

    3.  Orb's are mostly photographic flaws, they are confused with spirit lights.  Spirit lights glow on their own and can be seen with your eyes, orb's are reflected light and are only seen in photographs.

    4.  Find a good psychic and have a reading done.  

    5.  That is just made up Hollywood bull,  sells movies, but I've never heard of it really happening to anyone.

  14. 1.- Don't understand that question.

    2.- If a demon traps you is because you owe something to him, probably you killed his master or wronged him while he was alive. Demons cannot randomly trap souls.

    3.- Orbs are spheres of energy of some kind, some people say that this orbs hold trapped spirits.

    4.- There are many summoning rituals you can perform to call upon a dead relative, but you would be interrupting his/her peace, also an impersonating ghost can come instead and pretend to be your relative, there had been cases of possession in some of these cases, so don't try it.

    5.- A spirit or ghost is not material as we humans are so a ghost cannot rape a person, that lady from the movie had a long story of abusing prescription medication and she was delusional.

  15. 1.yes.

    2.they have to accomplish what they have to do to be put to rest.

    3. they are fake

    4. put pure 6 white plates around a table. go to a grave where someone died and call their should hold a bible and pray at the graveyard.

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