
Can someone with an account help me find this person?

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I'm looking for a Jan Borawski from Witynie, Jedwabne, Łomża, Poland (probably under Russia or Russia Poland) that came to America between 1850 and 1930. His wife was Balbina Chrostowska and I know he came back from America. I don't know where he stayed in America though. His ethnicity was Polish and i think he sailed alone, but I'm not sure.




  1. There are many Jan BORAWSKIS on, but I did spot one who was from Lomza, although the transcription is 'Lomze'.  Also, when I clicked on Household Members, there were 4 other hits.

    Maybe the additional names will prove meaningful to you and if so, this can determine if this is the correct Jan.

    Jan Borawski - Arrived - 10 Mar 1901 - born abt 1865  

    Last Residence - Lomza

    Ship Name - Pennsylvania  

    Stanislaw Borawski - Arrived - 23 Mar 1912 - born abt 1894  

    Last Residence - Rutki  

    Ship Name - Pennsylvania  

    Stanislaw Borawski - Arrived - 12 Mar 1904 - born abt 1883  

    Last Residence - Ruteck  

    Ship Name - Pennsylvania  

    Teofil Borawski - Arrived - 9 May 1903 born abt 1858  

    Last Residence -Smelawiz  

    Ship Name - Pennsylvania  

    Wladislaw Borawski - Arrived - 13 May 1900 born abt 1881  

    Last Residence  - Suraja  

    Ship Name - Pennsylvania

  2. Start with the Ellis Island organization website in New York City. You do not say where he may have arrived in the U.S. I'm assuming NYC. I'm not sure of the years, but you might try the CastleGarden website or the ISTG (Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild) via rootsweb home page.

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