
Can someone write me a chapter by chapter summary of the lightning thief. ?

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I only have a week to summarize and read this whole book which is 375 pages!! Please this is my only hope




  1. I'm sure you BEGAN with more than this week to read this book!

    Having said that, here's how you accomplish your task now that you've procrastinated so long.

    1. Get off the computer, open the book, begin reading. You can QUICKLY skim if you need to.

    2. Set a chapter goal per sitting.

    3. Write a few brief notes at the end of each chapter. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

    4. Put aside your social life until you get it done!

    5. Learn a lesson that Y!A isn't here to bail you out when you procrastinate. Git 'er done next time!

    And finally, remember if WE do your work, it's cheating and if you turn that in, plagiarism!

  2. you should probably go on google or something to get the summary stuff from ......... but there not always waht your looking for... and... the bookk i rely good so i suggest you read it....... i read the book in 2 days..

  3. Young lady, even if someone had read the story before, they could only give you a generalized overall summary, not chapter by chapter.

    In all fairness, you can't ask them to read it just to provide you with chapter summaries. After all, many of us have their own homework assignments or work at jobs.

    If you read 60 pages each day, you would be able to finish it with enough time to write chapter summaries.

    Good luck.

  4. Sorry, love, but you'll just have to get stuck in and do it. After all, 375 pages isn't much!

  5. How long have you known about this assignment?  Do you really think it's fair to ask all of us to put forth a ton of effort because you decided to procrastinate?

    Either spend as much time as you possible can reading and summarize however much you're able to get through for at least partial credit or don't bother to do the assignment at all.  It's your homework so you should be the one putting in effort.  Not us.

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