
Can someones finger get severed by the blade of an ice skate?

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Can someones finger get severed by the blade of an ice skate?




  1. Yes, OUCH, it can if enough of the weight of the person who is wearing the skate is applied!

    Hope this didn't happen to you.

  2. Yes, absolutely. In fact, one elite level skater, Jennifer Don, had that happen to her in her first practice with a new pairs partner. He skated over the end of her finger, and... oops.

    That's actually one of the reasons why most rinks recommend that beginner skaters wear gloves. It's not just for warmth, but also for the padding when you fall and in case your hand is in contact with another skater's blades.

  3. Absolutely, especially if it has been sharpened.  Speed skates would be the most likely candidate for that.

  4. Yes definitely so.

  5. yes of course the blade is very sharp if you ever fall and see someone is coming to you in speed for a jump get up and stay there that person will see this and will  cross over youbut if the person doesn't see you (he or she skates with the back) you should say something scream yallow because your safety it is more important then the jump or you can go uot of his shes way if you have time

  6. Yes.

    Thanks for the points!

  7. only if you tried really hard, its not likely to happen because most people have SOME skating ability and won't go right over someones finger, or the person that falls should have enough sense to move their hand or get up! if not, they shouldn't be skating!!!

  8. Yes in fact there was a player in an amateur hockey game in Boston a few years back that had his Carotid Artery severed and bled to death before they were able to get him to the hospital.  I was 11 so it was 17 years ago.  Like all things with sharp blades skates should be handled with care.

  9. Of course.

    The first time you go to a skating ring, the safety instructor should tell you that.  They also teach how to avoid that in case of falling.  I don'g remember exactly, but I think a person should immedately remove his or her hands from the surface of ice.

  10. CAN yes. LIKELY no.

    it can easily happen but it is extremely rare. normally people dont get their blades close enough to fingers to do so.

  11. unfortunatly yes..if you ever fall make sure you get your hands off the ice first so no one can run over them! i learned that from the coaches at my rink..thats what they are always telling us

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