
Can something bad happen if I lost my girl's birth certificate?

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I just lost my girl's birth certificate and I have a replacement but I'm really scared, I don't know if that could affect my girl in the future.




  1. No. Dont worry, you're fine. It has happened to more people than you could imagine. A replacement is just as good as the original.

  2. I really don't think so.  A certified copy is just as good.

  3. No dont be scared, You could always get a copy of it in your statistics office where like here in Phils we get copy of birth certificate in National Statistics Office. I'm sure there is a goverment office in your country that handles the same record.

  4. Bad things happen to good people.  

  5. Most likely she'll be fine.  But there is a small chance that someone could use the BC to set up an identity and open credit in her name.  Usually nothing like that will happen, though.  And a *certified* copy (not just a xerox) is just as good as the original.

  6. Absolutely nothing - Its a good idea to keep a spare if you can.

  7. No, not at all. Nothing bad will happen.  Even if you lose any copy that you may have either.  Just get a copy from the county she was born in that's it!  Thet put their official seal or stamp on it before they give it to you.  Sleep well tonight!

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