
Can something bad happen??

by  |  earlier

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I kinda stepped in my treadmills plug and the middle thing from where you plug it in

became lose and actually fell I put it back in Can I get electrocued or something if I plug in ?Im scared




  1. Anyone notice the irony of "Happy Mask Man" and his name?

  2. If you see any loose wiring that's visible or any part of it is loose, it could start a fire.  Electrical tape it if you're unsure.  As for the middle prong, that's for grounding purposes, so if the plug itself is loose and you can't tape it, have it fixed to ensure safety.

  3. Anyone notice the irony of "The Smart Guy" and his name?

  4. Don't use a broken plug, get it repaired by a professional. It can be dangerous.

  5. You'll be fine.  Just don't go picking it out of the outlet with a fork.

    ETA: wrong catergory by the way.

  6. That prong is for the ground of the treadmill. in the old days when everything had a metal case it was very dangerous. It protects the treadmill from becoming electrified. with everything being mostly plastic these days you should be OK especially if you put the prong back in but if you are still worried about it go to home depot and buy a 15-20 amp plug cut the wire strip it back connect the black wire to the brass (gold colored) s***w, the white wire to the silver s***w, and the green wire to the green s***w. the plug only costs about $5-$10.

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