
Can something you have been called your whole life manifest itself into something could be true??

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Like ever since like the 4th grade i have always been called g*y because i guess of the way i acted. Now could all that over time have manifested it into something that i think could be true. I mean i've experimented with it a little bit like i have looked at some g*y p**n and i really enjoyed it. It really turned me on and then i looked at strait p**n and i didn't feel anything. I mean i think some of those abercrombie models are hot but i think everyone thinks that. But i also think some victoria secret models are hot. I mean so i MIGHT be g*y but could also have being called g*y my whole life have something to do with these feelings??




  1. Being g*y is part of a person from birth although in most cases it's not obvious until later on in life.  I had girlfriends at school and considered myself to be straight.  No-one commented on the fact that I might be or could be g*y.  However.... in the back of mind I did look at men and find them attractive but pushed it to the back of mind thinking that all men feel that, just no-one admits it.  

    When I was 18 I had my first "g*y experience" and didn't look back.  I now look back at my life and realise I was always g*y, even as a child, but just didn't realise it.

    No-one can engraine being g*y into you.  you are who you are.

    Maybe your going through a "phase" in the same way I had phases with girls.  good luck coming to terms with your identity, whatever your sexuality is.

    To repsond to Hollee S - Being g*y is completely natural! It's a fact of life and can be engrained in someone's DNA before they are born.  Homosexuality has been recorded in history for centuries and is nothing new.  They have even found cases of animals being g*y. It has nothing to do with God's way.  

  2. I dont that people calling you g*y has anything to do with you somehow almost being g*y. Maybeeee from people telling you that fr so long its engraved in your brain and it makes you THINK you might be that. Its the same thing with guys making fun of girls for being ugly or whatever, after so much the girl will start to truly believe she is ugly, even if she is beautiful. SO i hope you dont try to turn g*y just because of people telling you that.(event hough there nothing wrong with being g*y!) I suggest just experience some more with girls and guys i guess. (and remember you could also just be bisexual!)

  3. So long as you don't extrapolate out of hand the one as to be truth to the many, we can say this 'can' be true.  Consider how many are who they think they are only because they were conditioned to think that way almost from birth or at least from the commencement of what is placed before them: thoughts are things and on a subtle level are as solid as bricks and houses.  

    Words are too often remiss at driving home clear understanding, so let's give brief example here of the power of conditioning and indoctrination: the first is simple -- think of those very young children who are raised by staunch racists and verily and surely the children become indeed themselves virulent racists.  By the incessant grilling with hateful views, without being afforded other points of views with as much frequency, their conditioning then becomes self-fulfilling prophecy and all they see thereafter are through prisms of their parents' teachings: none can convince them otherwise that theirs is not truth incarnate, going so far as to cite some authoritative reference to argue their points and beliefs.  

    No truth is greater than the lie if the lie is what one is willing to believe and accept.    

    Another example herewith: observations have been made that in battle a soldier may undergo a wound, a critical one but is not aware he is so direly wounded till some medic or comrade comes along and makes his condition known; thereafter his condition becomes suddenly real to him and by that consequence follows almost at once the sequences of the wound, which may result in shock that may even cause his death.

    Most of us are all masses of assumptions and givens, a mass of baggage given to us without which having we would be different than what we hold ourselves up to be.  Just a shift of thought, just a change in identification to some ideal or esteem can foster a difference in whom each of us is or thinks each is.

    To yours specifically, we each are pre-set with a balance, a balance of energies, of focus, of sensitivity and perception and feeling.  That is, each person is a complement of polarity, and certain events can trigger otherwise "off-line" or inactive or dormant properties; and only should certain events occur does that latency come into being.

    At a physiological level, this is certainly found to be the case, in which some people have genetic pre-dispositions to things.  They will not fall victim to the genetic latency unless some impression comes forth that causes the genetic disposition to now express.

    This does not say, however, that your being told or cajoled about being g*y has caused this to occur in you.  Thus far only you know the truth about yourself.  All else is at best anecdotal.  And even in the field of genetics are expressions still under study and watch.  This we can say: life is a plastic, malleable thing.  And the human being is nothing if not an unpredictive entity.

  4. Being g*y is not the answer!!!

    Dont say oh boy I think they were right, I guess I will be g*y. THATS STUPID!!! Be your self. Being g*y is a new fad. It isn't the way God wants it.  

  5. Without even seeing your details I was about to say this:

    Yes, to a degree.  If a person is told over and over that they are "X", they will feel like "X" is what they are supposed to be.  "X" can be something positive (such as generous, or a good athlete) or something negative (such as a cry-baby, or someone who is not good at math).  If enough people tell a person those things, or if a person hears this enough through a person theylook up to/want to impress/want to have respect from - then yes, to a degree, this is totally possible.  This is positive (because it may motivate you to be a good athlete) and negative (because you feel like you're 'supposed to be' a good athlete and you're not, or you are told you are bad at math and you don't even try).

    From what you said about being g*y:

    To me (and LGBTs even argue with me here) a g*y person is a person who is sexually attracted to persons of the same gender, but not sexually attracted to persons of the opposite gender.  i am only attracted to girls but i am not grossed out by guys.,  I am still not attracted to guys.  Some may say that experience defines it (as in, a person who has no experience is 'curious'.).  I think that is BS.  No one CHOOSES to be attracted to something/someone.  That is not wrong, it is who you are.  

    I think the g*y comments hit you harder because you ARE g*y (if you indeed are).

    It's also possible that you are straight as an arrow but a) your hormones toward the opposite sexd have not developed yet or b) you just aren't ready for s*x or anything sexual.

    I don't think comments alone decide who you are attracted to.

  6. What do you think? The best place to ask this question is the sociology category. There is argument for your suggestion.

    There are other factors to take into account. If you read, then read the human zoo by Desmond Morris.  

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