
Can somone tell me were i can find out how to build a hydrogen weedeater engine?

by  |  earlier

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i would like it to tell me how i can get alot of hydrogen to power a weeder




  1. Congratulations! You've just figured out the major bug in the hydrogen economy concept. The other one is storage.

  2. Hydrogen is a very dangerous gas. U can make a generator but it is still dangerous as hydrogen will leak through most hoses and connectors.

    5 Gal stainless container.

    Place in in the bottom zinc.

    Close up the container and purge it of all oxygen. If u fail to get all oxygen out it can explode.

    Then u put in small amounts of HCL ,and it will produce hydrogen. If u have a leak it could blow u away. If u have a small amount of oxygen in the tank it can backfire into the tank and it will be bad.

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