
Can sony cameras connect to macs??

by  |  earlier

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I just filmed this project on my sony video camera and the cord doesn't fit into my mac anywhere. Do I have to buy something so I can attach it or am I screwed?? The video is due next week!




  1. You did not tell us what kind of camera.

    If miniDV or digital8 tape based, you need a 4-pin (camcorder DV port) to 6-pin (Mac's firewire 400 port) cable.

    If hard drive or flash memory based, a USB2 cable will fit - mini on the camera's side, normal USB on the Mac side.

    If analog (VHS, VHS-C, Beta or other media), you need to get an "analog/digital bridge" like those from Canopus:

    Camcorder AV (or S-Video) cable connects to A/D bridge; A/D bridge connect to Mac using Firewire.

    I've used Sony, Panasonic and Canon camcorders with my Mac - and they all connect just fine. You just need the right information - which is difficult for us to provide to you since you did not provide any details.

  2. does your camera have a usb port because almost all cameras these days do. Because my mac is hooked up to my camera and it works fine

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