
Can soy milk be used like regular milk?

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like cooking wise and stuff? and how much healthier is it for you (i drink skim milk)?

im seriously thinking of becoming a vegetarian, maybe even vegan.




  1. no, some stuff you need whole milk

  2. Yes you can use soy just like milk.  If the soy rumors concern you, there are tasty milks made from rice (Rice Dream) and almonds. (Almond Breeze)

  3. yup, I use soy milk and I am not lactose intolerant.  It is healthier and has alot of protien and alot of vitamins it is haealthier for you because it doesn't have saturated fat because it doesn't come from animals.  it is for a soy plant.  so it is healthier.  I use soy milk on my cereal, I drink it, and I cook with it.  the only weakness in it is that it is 4-5 dollars for a half gallon.  so that is why I have to buy it myself cause my mom wont buy it for me haha.

  4. There are many different brands of soy milk, and you will find they all taste a little different from each other.  Additionally, just like regular milk, there is chocolate soy, as well as vanilla and other flavors.

    Soy can be a substitute for milk in a lot of things, such as coffee and cereal, but if you use soy milk for a recipe requiring milk, you'll find that it will taste quite different obviously, and may even taste bad. I suggest looking for recipes that call for soy milk rather than just milk-- and there are a lot!

    As for whether it is healthier, soy milk usually contains a lot more protein than regular milk and contains a good amount of fibre, though it contains more fat than skim milk (it's not so much fat though, and it would not make a difference if you simply cut fat in other areas of your diet).

    Anyway, I think if you try a few different brands (such as Silk or SoNice) you will find one you like!

  5. As the taste of commercial soy milk improves more and more people are drinking it as enjoyment. But many people drink soy milk for the added health benefits.

    So what are the benefits of drinking soy milk as compared to cow’s milk?

    Benefit 1: Soy milk contains only vegetables proteins

    Vegetable proteins have the advantage that they cause less loss of calcium through the kidneys. It is known that a diet rich in animal (and dairy protein) creates a higher risk for osteoporosis.

    Benefit 2: Soy milk contains no lactose

    About 75 percent of the world population cannot tolerate lactose. Some ethnic groups are more affected than others. For example 75 percent of Africans and 90 percent of Asians have lactose intolerance. As an additional benefit, soy milk contains the prebiotic sugars stachyose and raffinose. These prebiotic sugars boost immunity and help decrease toxic substances in the body.

    Benefit 3: Fewer people are allergic to soy milk

    Only 0.5 percent of the children are allergic to soy milk, whereas 2.5 percent is allergic to cow’s milk.

    Benefit 4: Soy milk reduces cholesterol

    The saturated fats in cow’s milk are unhealthy and increase your cholesterol. The protein in cow’s milk has no benefits for the cholesterol. Soy protein can decrease cholesterol levels. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration of US) confirms that soy protein, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart. The FDA recommends to incorporate 25 grams of soy protein in your daily meals.

    Benefit 5: Soy milk contains no hormones

    Cow’s milk contains natural hormones (from the cow) but also synthetic hormones, which can influence the good working of our own body. The synthetic hormone rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) increase milk production by as much as 20 percent.

    Benefit 6: Soy milk does not cause insulin dependent diabetes

    Although no general consensus exists among scientists, some studies have shown an association between drinking cow’s milk in early life and the development of insulin dependent diabetes. This association does not exist with soy milk.

    Benefit 7: Soy milk is rich in isoflavones

    The presence of isoflavones is the most important and unique benefit of soy milk. Each cup of soy milk contains about 20 mg isoflavones (mainly genistein and daidzein). Cow’s milk does not contain isoflavones. Isoflavones have many health benefits including reduction of cholesterol, easing of menopause symptoms, prevention of osteoporosis and reduction of risk for certain cancers (prostate cancer and breast cancer). Incidents of these cancers are very low in countries with high intake of soy products, including soy milk. Isoflavones are also antioxidants which protect our cells and DNA against oxidation.

  6. Yep.  Get the plain stuff for baking and cooking, and you can use any type you like for drinking and on your cereal.  I've heard hilarious stories about people who used vanilla soy milk in a savory recipe--oops!  But other than that, soy milk can be used measure for measure in place of cows' milk.  With rice milk, it's 7/8 cup per cup of cows' milk.

    And if you're worried about the hormones in soy, the hormones added to cows' milk are far more powerful and have a greater effect than the piddling phytoestrogens in soy.

  7. I've never had a problem using soy in place of milk. As for how healthy it is, that really depends on who you ask since there's a lot of information flying around. Here's a site that sites a few studies:

  8. Sure I eat cereal with it, drink it, and bake stuff with it too. Like if I'm making cookies I will use soy instead of regular milk. It really doesn't taste any different because all the other ingredients kind of drown it out. Also it's very healthy for you and a great source of protein :)

  9. No, not for cooking.  If you do, you should expect different results.  The best thing to do is cook recipes that do not need milk, eggs, ect.  Substitutions, esp in baking, dont work well.  Look to India for good vegan food, they have the most practice at it.

  10. Yes, there are many different kinds of soymilk that you can use for different things, i.e. baking.

    There are other kinds of milk alternatives as well, including the following:

    Almond Milk - I love Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze

    Rice Milk - Rice milk is thinner than the other nondairy milks, so try choosing a creamier milk when baking

    Oat & Hazelnut Milks

    Coconut Milk - Thick, sweet, milky white substance derived from the meat of a mature coconut, often used for cooking and not for drinking.

    Cashew Milk

    They are much, much healthier than cow's milk because dairy is high in IGF-1 hormone, which are injected onto dairy cows. IGF-1 hormone is an artificial growth hormone and promotes insulin in our body. It also promotes cancers including breast cancer. In addition, cheese is high in natural morphine, which is produced in cow's liver and ends up in milk and cheese. Morphine is addictive! This makes dairy appealing, but once you give it up, it will be much easier to replace dairy.

    Milk is a deadly poison. For more, please check out for your health.

    For tips, news, recipes for becoming a vegetarian/vegan, check out

    Happy veggin'!

  11. Yes it can. It is just as good as milk in anything and has all the same vitamins and minerals. It works the same in recipes too. It comes in more flavor than milk also.

  12. Yes, you can use it in place of regular milk.

  13. I use it like 'regular milk'.  But I also don't buy the sweetened type either.  Depending on if your using sweetened or non sweetened say in a recipie - it could change the taste (make it sweet/er which you may or may not like).

    So my answer would be - depends on the type of soy milk that your using.

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