
Can spiders survive boiling hot water?

by  |  earlier

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There was a spider in the bath this morning, I gave it a quick blast of boiling hot water, its body turned red and went down the drain.




  1. i dont think they can......they can survive water because they roll themselves up into an airtight ball which is why you can never wash them away......but boiling water....thats gotta kill em!

  2. If it survived it would need to  be some spider.

    i hope it didnt survive, otherwise id stay away from the bath for a while!!!

  3. Probably not. Hes a dead spirder now.

  4. it depends...

    how big is that spider exactly? if your talking "itsy bitsy". that spider's in for a sure death...

  5. I doubt it, and even if it did it would have got washed down the drain and into a load of cr*p so i should think it will be dead!

  6. i dunno probabaly not. maybe your spider wasn't actually a spider maybe the the governments spying on you...

  7. Lemme go ask one...=)

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