
Can spirits get you prengant

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Can spirits get you prengant




  1. Not "really" pregnant.  

  2. Not the spirit per se, but drinking them will lower inhibitions and make it easier for others to get you pregnant.

  3. Yes you can it is said in the bible that a human would do a spirit which made a giant such as goliath in the bible

  4. Yes, I find vodka is the best spirit to get you pregnant

  5. Yes they can but you have to agree to have s*x with them.  So, if you don't want to get pregnant, make sure it wears some protection.  

  6. only in the movie rosemary's baby.

  7. Only the Holy ones.

    However the run of the mill spirits, they don't have a physical body, so no working organs,sexual or otherwise to get you pregnant with.

  8. ive never heard of such a thing but im trying to get pregnant mayb i sud ask the spirits to emprgnat me

  9. not nature spirits like the 'gods' do in greek mythology. but the God that got the virgin mary pregnant with Jesus can.  

  10. yes thats what tampons are for

  11. what the **** are you on!! and its pregNant not pregant...

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