
Can spyware slow down ur net speed?

by  |  earlier

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my sys got infected with spyware.what are the characterstics if its infection .what are risks of being infected by a spyware?some oone said that u will loose ur data in the long run if not removed




  1. well ... definately spyware can slow your browsing speed ...

    spyware is bascially used to spy on user !!! it is some kind of program which reside in computer memory and keep its self alive ...

    spyware are designed generally to gather information like, sites visited by user, searches done by user which are not harmful right ?? but some spyware are designed to record information like , which financial website user visited and what is his/her user id and password .. or some thing same sensitive information ... which is used by creator of that spyware for illigeal use ...

    so better get rid of it ASAP ... there are many free tools available for it .. google pack also provied some free ... better take a look once ..

  2. Yes it can. You should get rid of it as soon as possible. It's like leaving your house with the doors closed but leave out the windows open.

  3. You will lose no data,spyware does not slow the speed of ur net there will be any other problem.

  4. Spyware can do multiple things to your computer, including slowing down your internet speed. People can hack into your personal account information from spyware on your computer. This may lead to identity theft, loss of information, and, quite rarely, complete destruction of all of your information. I highly suggest getting an anti-virus and an anti-spyware program. AVG Free Version 8.0 and Spybot Search and Destroy are both free and reliable. Scan often with these and review any dangers they find. Good luck!

  5. yer it can

  6. Spy ware will slow down your system. Besides spy ware steals your valuable information. So be aware.

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