
Can stress and depression help to trigger diabetes?

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Can stress and depression help to trigger diabetes?




  1. prolonged stress raises various hormone levels (like cortisol, which can lead to weight gain) as well as taxing those systems related to blood sugar (pancreas, liver).  So, yes, given enough stress, one could develop diabetes.

    Depression is related to diabetes, but whether or not depression can cause diabetes is still not directly proven.  Many diabetics do suffer more from depression when sugar levels remain uncontrolled, so diabetes can cause depression.

  2. well if your a diabetic it can raise your blood sugar especially being stressed..

  3. no, but eating poorly because you are depressed or stressing could.

  4. no it cant trigger it.

    Only immune things such as chicken pox can lead to diabetes.

    But stress can play a role in blood sugar and stuff

  5. I would say if you have type I diabetes its probably more BAD LUCK rather than you've done anything wrong. True enough, my nephew went into ketoacidosis on the weekend his father returned from 3 weeks in hospital after the sudden discovery of cancer, so I guess that was a shock. But I think, the current ideas on type I diabetes are that it forms part of the "autoimmune" group of diseases, where you get exposed to a virus, perhaps 9 years previously and the virus causes an antibody to form. This antibody just happens to lock onto the beta islet cells of your pancrease that produce the insulin. Now, you don't have a lot of these cells and eventually a sufficient number are knocked out, maybe taking 9 years, so that you can't handle glucose metabolism, the body goes into starvation mode and thinks it has to digest fat ( weight loss): this produces ketones. Usually, the child goes a funny shade of grey with vomiting and tends to pass water continually. The child may get drowsy |( the so called ketoacidosis coma) but its more a case of sleeping intermittently in practise. Eventually you go to hospital and they slowly inject in insulin while monitoring and replacing potassium losses. Once stable, they initiate insulin therapy for life or until they find a cure, which probably isn't too far off given the possibility of stem cell therapy and the gene therapies that convert other pancrease cells to beta islet. Its also possible to have a pancrease cousin had one.

  6. Stress and depression are very influential in a number of diseases. I wouldn't say that they could CAUSE diabetes, but I would say that they could help to make it worse.

  7. No, but being fat can and will.

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