
Can stress kill you?

by  |  earlier

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Recently iv been stressed out quit a bit and to day after getting in a fight with a friend my vision went blurry and i couldint stand up and now my chest is hurting a great deal. im only 19 could i still have risk to a heart attack? Or could it just be mental strain? What should i do about this?




  1. 19 heart attack? that would be unbelievable

    there could be other explainations to why your vision is blury and chest hurts....

    since you just got in a fight i assume u got hit... that can cause a blood clot that can shoot the the brain can cause stroke... or can just cause problems else where....

    stress cant really kill but it can cause u to kill ... try to calm down regardless  

  2. it can lead to oter things which can kill you

  3. Stress won't kill you but it causes you other things that might kill you!  It can lead you to depressions, lack of apetite, big headaches, etc. and that is not very healthy! to avoid all this mental train and stress itself, do some physical exercise, go and have fun with your friends, spend time with "nature". When you are under stress, it's not good to stay at home coz you need to change environment in order to get rid of stress! take care and good luck

    hope i helped

  4. Stress can cause panic attacks and alot of other pain that you may not had before. If you are that stressed you need to seek medical help. The chest pain feels like a heart attack has some people tells me. I also have the same problem so I'm speaking on the behalf of myself. I had never had a heart attack but for those who had both heart attacks and panic attacks says there both painful.

  5. stress can lead you do harm yourself

    i guess, i don't know

    try solving your problems

    good luck  

  6. visit a doctor asap, and he can answer your question for you.

  7. A few side effects of stress:

    **increased appetite, which can lead to weight gain

    **decreased stomach acids, which slows ones metabolism

    **increased blood pressure

    **upset stomach

    **chest pain

    In other words>> too much stress may kill you.

  8. I would see a doctor.

    Stress causes your immune system to be weaker, meaning you're more vulnerable to bacteria and getting sick.

  9. No it cant kill you. but you have to be careful and visite doctor.............

  10. i think it can drive you till a point in which you commit scuicide.

  11. highly doubtful

    in my opinion your body would sooner stop the stressful emotions by force

    its in your bodys best interest to STAY ALIVE... your body has hundreds of ways to have an emergency safe routine under certain circumstances worse than stress... why would it die because of an emotion... maybe im wrong but god help us if im not

    stress can lead to a heart attack but not by itself... maybe with bad blood pressure or cholesterol and unless your a raging fatty at the age of 19 i dont think you have to worry about it yet

    could be something A LOT more serious

    get yourself checked out make sure you get a catscan

    everybody has tumors these days

  12. no u cant die, but go get a check from ur doctor.

    help me with mine?;...

  13. my good friend Mary-Jane always helps me stress down

    you should give her a call
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