
Can stretching your eyes give you better vision?

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I've heard about a way to make your vision better. You close your eyes and move your eyes to each direction (up, down, left, right, and diagonal) and hold it for as long as you can. It's supposed to balance your eye muscles giving you better vision. I heard it from a guy with 20/10 vision and he's been doing it for decades. I just wanted to know if any one else heard this because I'm not exactly sure how to do it and I just wanted to double check. Thanks.




  1. We get blurry vision from using our eyes, mind, and body together incorrectly. These incorrect vision habits squeeze our eyeballs out of shape and give us blurry vision.

    What you describe is very similar to eye exercises(eye pushups, eye aerobics, eye yoga). Eye exercises don't change the way we use our eyes. Eye exercises can often introduce more strain and tension when people don't get benefit from them and try harder.

  2. These are called Bang"s exercises. They don't work.

  3. I've never heard anything like that.  I don't think it will work.

  4. Yes, that would stretch out your extraocular muscles, which get plenty of stretching anyways and are already a lot stronger than they need to be for what they do.  

    It will have no effect on your cornea, lens, or the length of your eyeball, though, which all determine your eyesight.  Your cornea focuses light into your eye and if the light lands directly on your retina, you have clear vision.  If you are nearsighted or farsighted, the light lands in front of or behind your retina respectively.  Glasses and contacts can fix this (while you wear them) and laser surger will fix it (supposedly) permenantly.  No exercises are going to change the power of your cornea or the length of your eye, though.

    You can try, as it won't hurt you to just move your eyeballs around, but I wouldn't expect any improvement in your eyesight.

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