
Can sum1 tell me the story of Julius Caesar in short need it quick?

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Got a compt. on Wednesday...I'am presenting Antony's to know the situation btr I need ur help....pls ansr quick........... I have no tym to browse onlyn thats y I turnd to Yahoo! So dnt frgt ansr but quick...........




  1. JC was the leader an winner of battles for years.

    Brutus, his illegitimate son, led the group that killed JC. There were a few of them who all stabbed JC. Anthony walked into the room and saw JC dead and bleeding Brutus and a few others standing around holding bloodied knives/swords

    Anthony was shocked to see JC dead, but then knew he was surrounded by murderers, so had to bluff is way out. He challenged them to kill him by shouting at them, but really wanted to put them off and get them to leave. (pretend there is a circle of guys ... challenge one, but before he can act, turn to confront another.)

    Anthony starts off moody, then gets angry when he gives his "prophesy" and it builds up to a loud HAVOC ! AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR !

  2. Julius Gaius Caeser July 13 100 BC-March 15 44BC

    Julius Caesar was a Roman politician (senator) who was very popular with the people. He formed an alliance called a Trimvirate witgh two other prominent Senators - Crassus and Pompey. They intended to reform the corrupt Roman leadership and return Rome to its former glory.

    Caesar conquered Gaul and Britain and brought Cleopatra back as a souveniier of his conqust of Egypt. This made him massively popular with the Roman people as they loved a good military victory.

    The Triumvirate fell apart as Pompey and Crassus became concerned that Caesar was becoming too personally ambuitious and popular. He went to war with Pompey and the Senate. Upon winning victory he ascended to the position of Supreme Ruler of Rome.

    He began a massive reform movement, intending to purge the Roman bureaucracy, whose corruption and incompetence Caesar blamed for Rome's decline. He centralised powers and strengthened his own position at the expense of the Senate. He proclaimed himself Emperor and thegreat Roman Republic was dead.

    Brutus, a former friend and ally led an opposition group who assassinated Caesar on the festival day of the god Mars. The Ides of March) They stabbed him with pen nibs outside the doors of the senate. It was 15 March,44BC.

    Brutus had hoped to restore the Republic  but the assassination was a disaster for Rome. It led to another Civil War,  at the end of which Caesar's own anointed successor, his adopted son Octavius assumed control and was proclaimed Emperor.

    Caesar himself was elevated to the status of Roman god in 42 BC.

    I hope this helps.

    Break a Leg! Good to see the classics still being performed and an actor who wishes to prepare!

  3. Wow, you are lazy and no I'm not helping you.

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