
Can swimming tone your body as any other sport and does it give u abs??

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i no crunches etc are the best for abs but can i still get them by swimming?




  1. Yes! Swimming is the best sport because it works all of your muscles..haven't you seen how toned swimmers are? It's so much easier than running too, especially in this hot weather.

  2. its really helps tone your body, I swim about 1000 yards once a week. Since I competively show horses this really helps tone my body, help build muscle. You get that when you swim

  3. yes!

    swimmming will tone your body very nicely

    and give you abs

    heres an exercise to do everyday

    4laps whole body

    4laps just legs

    4laps just arms

    doing a flip turn when turning to go back in the other direction

    a flip turn is when your swimming and you come to the wall. instead of touching the wall with your hands and turning around, you flip right before you reach the wall and kick off it with your feet.

    i think doing a couple of these exercises every day will give you abs, calf muscle and great arms

  4. of course!Swimming makes you move all your body, not just your abs.i also agree with sweet lemon.

  5. Duh, swimmers have better abs than any other athlete because you need that core strength for speed. Cross-train with swimming and running and your abs will be sick.

  6. Swimming is a great way to get toned since it works basically every muscle in your body. You might not see results at first, but if you are patient, you'll most likely be happy with how your body looks.  And swimming does work your abs, especially if you do butterfly.

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