
Can symptoms come and go?

by  |  earlier

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I am ttc, but its still to early to test. For the past few nights around this time my b*****s start aching, and not just to the touch, but it passes in about 5 min. I also, have had a pressure in my lower abdomen for about 2 days, a feeling like i had a full bladder, but the feeling stayed that way for even after I went. Also, i felt mild pain in my lower abdomenwhen i sat or when i would bear down. I was so worried I bought a home UTI test which was neg and the pain and fullness went away today.

Half the time i feel like i must be pregnant, and the other half I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me! UGH what is going on with my body?? am I just so desperet for a sign that my mind is making them up?




  1. OMG!! I am in the same position like you!!

    I have all the symptoms but when I went to the Doctor the Pregnancy test was neg...

    Now I have nausea, cramps, my breast is aching...

    so... I think the only way we can be sure is taking the blood pregnancy test... or wait to the next period time...

    So... good luck!! and take care of yourself!  

  2. I would say there's a good chance you're pregnant if it's been at least 5-7 days past ovulation.  

  3. Pregnancy signs and symptoms can come and go. It is good you are aware of the signals that your body is sending you. Pregnancy test 7 days after a missed or short period. Best wishes, G

    Pregnancy Signs:

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