
Can system restoration check virus invasion?

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In addition to standard virus/spyware scanning, if system restoration is done periodically can I expect freeing off unwanted program being installed stealthyly.

I have a problem with my account. Inspite of changing password I am being logged in other people's account. What is it?




  1. sytem restore cant cure ur problem ,,, install antivirus utlity and if it detect virus in ur system the try to know the name of virus ,, it will only shown by antuvirus,,,,the type the virus name in google and search for the method to cure it

    for the desk : Abhishek verma

  2. no by restoration u cann't find the virus and also u cann't remove it.

    for logging problem remove all remeber passworld from your browser.

  3. No, Windows "System Restore" doesn't check for viruses and in some cases can be used to restore them.

    Ensure you run a regularly updated security suite, or use a non-Microsoft operating system.

  4. All Windows restoration does is brings your computer back to a time before your computer started having problems it will not delete a virus in fact if you had a virus many times that virus will cross right over after you do system restore. If there is nothing wrong with your computer then you have no reason to use system restore It could  help with a Trojan infection because Trojans can't infect other files like viruses can.

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