
Can taking one drag on a cigarrete damage your health?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I was at a party and there were a couple of people smoking. And they offered me a drag, first of all i said no but then they asked me again and out of pure curiosity really i tried it. It was discusting, I didn't cough so i don't thinkn i took it down properly. But now i'm feeling really bad about doing it even thought it was only one drag. has this one drag damaged my health, can i get cancer of anything from it? Also how damaging is passive smoking because i was around other people who were smoking for a little while? I will never do it again and that one drag has put me off from ever doing it again




  1. Well even if you dont take even one drag and stand by the smoker can damage your health.... you can see the international servey of smokers.. they cough, their health is always in  a risk.. be care full. right now every second person or more are smokers and its very bad.

    keep yourself away from smoke if you love your health.

    that's it.

  2. It can in the sense you could be tempted to try it agani and become addicted! Which isn't something you can control but you can control whether you say yes or no.

    One puff shouldn't do too much, you are exposed to much worse everyday. Second-hand smoke, pollution. All of that will have an effect on your body and health, but of course its a lot better than actually smoking a cigarette yourself.

    Hopefully next time you will be able to say no and mean it, now that you're feeling bad about it! Its not a good habit to pick up. Definitely detrimental to your health as well as costly and useless.

  3. There is an unbelievable amount of debate on this matter, but I do not think that one 'partial puff' will cause any irreparable harm.

  4. yes even the little bits of smoke around you afects you

    the smoke of a cigarrata you can only see 5 procent of it so as you breath around smokers somthing inside your body gets weeker this is a litle thing inside your boddy that filter your longes like an air filterer so if you smoke and/or are around smokers it affect the little filter and kills them so eventually the bad smoke will get through to oyur longes and your longes will get black and when your lounges are black there is a chance you will get cancer  

  5. no. you are ok. however second hand has effects. I quit smoking and realize how terrible it smells. 5 months now!

  6. One puff won't do anything.  At least now you know how disgusting it is, (I smoked from 18-22, and have since quit).  It is very, very addictive.  But also make sure you don't surround yourself with people who smoke, because side-stream smoke is extremely dangerous as well.  If you are around people who smoke, make sure you at least have a window open, or are outside.

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