
Can talking into a mirror motivate and autistic child to speak more?

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Can talking into a mirror motivate and autistic child to speak more?




  1. It certainly can't hurt.  The best thing you can do is to talk to the child, encourage him/her to copy noises you make, reward noises he/she makes by saying "Good talking!".  Attempt to get him/her to make a noise when a request is being made - for example, if your child wants a drink, as you hand him/her the cup, say "drink" and try to get the child to make a noise (or say the word drink if possible), then reward the noise by giving the drink and using verbal praise.

  2. If watching the action in the mirror is motivating to the child yes - if it's not - it won't.

    Taperecorders or talking into microphones and having the computer 'voice' alter it = it something that I have had success with.  Don't need anything too complex.

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