
Can tanning hurt a dog?

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My Dog is a westie, she enjoys tanning for hours at a time, she has hair, but I'm not sure what the effects are of a dog laying in the sun for 4 hours at a time, every morning she begs and barks until I let her out and she goes and lays on the deck and for hours, I was watching TV when I noticed 2 hours went by I went outside and told her to come in and she picked up her head to look at me and than put it back down, I went out and brought her in and she freaked out.

Could this mean there is something worng with her and she needs to lay in the sun? Or for some werid reason she just likes it? And Can this hurt her?




  1. A dog laying in the sun is not "tanning" they are just laying in the sun.

    Dogs are covered in fur, this will not hurt her.  The only concern you might have is her nose.  Ask your vet if it is safe to apply sunscreen to her nose.  

    Lying in the sun for hours upon hours is typical dog behavior and won't hurt them.  I have never lived with a dog who didn't do it.  Don't give it a second thought.

  2. Buy her some doggy sun screen at the pet store

  3. That is a very weird situation. I would just think that she likes to be outside. But the sun can harm dogs just like it can harm us. Dogs can get sunburned too and if I were you, I would limit the time your dog spends outside. Maybe go for a walk or two to tire her out, so then she can be outside for a while, but also get tired and sleep inside.  

  4. The dog is enjoying itself and the heat is helping the joints dogs are smart and will look for shade when they want it just make sure plenty of water is available and shade if westie wants it.

  5. Some dogs enjoy the sun and warmth more than others so I would not be alarmed. But fair skinned dogs can get skin cancer so I would put sun screen on any bare part such as her Nose and tips of her ears.  

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