
Can taurus and Sagittarius be a good match for marriage?

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Can someone tells me the compatibly between them? can they be a good match for marriage?




  1. taurus - boring, clingy, posessive, repetitive

    sagittarius - sloppy, childish, selfish, exciting

    in the beginning, it's hot and interesting - you think it's perfect. but when you wish to spend more time together you realize the other person doesn't live up to your exceptions, and who they are underneath, wasn't who you thought they were.  after 3 months you'll be ready to ring each other's necks. don't say i didn't warn you....

    no way

  2. I belive that although astology has proven to me to be true, you should use their characteristics more as a guide to help you threw your relationship.  My boyfriend is a Gemini and hes very indecicive and when he goes on his tangents i just let it go and say hes a gemini, instead of get mad or frusterated.

    My first love was a tarus.  They are very down to earth and love nature where as good old sag (i am one) is outgoing and likes to be on the move.  Sag likes to do things, learn, explore, ect.  Taurus doesnt like change and they are very hard headed.  Things are their way or no way at all.

    If they can learn to compromise and find things they both like doing then marriage shouldnt be a problem.  Its all about learning to deal with each other regardless of your sun sign.  

    If you want more infomation on the two or would like a birthchart done for each sign message me.  

  3. Taurus & Sagittarius

    With the Taurus zodiac sign being possessive and the Sagittarius being freedom loving, the Sagittarius person may find this hard to cope with. Sagittarius folks are frank, outgoing and generous, this trait being of a Jupiter influence can clash with Taurus's tendency toward unwarranted jealousy. The Taurus who marries a Sagittarius will find that no amount of arguing or berating is going to change their Sagittarius mate, they must learn to live with their quirks. These are two very different personality types, with like character traits The more reserved Taurus and the outgoing Sagittarius both have an appreciation for the truth, while Sagittarius is less tactful about divulging it. Taurus will have difficulty with the Sagittarius people's need to be on the go constantly.

    There are always ups and downs in every relationship. Although you think you know a lot about your partner already, you might want to spend some more quality time together. Love, trust, understanding, affection, honesty, tolerance and loyalty are very important factors for a successful relationship. Think about what's still missing in your relationship and how you could improve it. Remember it takes two to make a relationship work : )

    Love & Blessings


  4. no! taurus is to lazy and Sagittarius is a childish sign ever! they won't make a good couple and taurus is not fun to dance with! good luck! i won't recommended

  5. Taurus and Sagittarius

    Fixed Earth and Mutable Fire

    This pair has a reputation for hot sexual chemisty, but runs into snags when it comes to longterm romance. Unless other planets bring balance, these two are just temperamentally too different. At the heady beginning of the affair, the settled sensual nature of the Bull may be intriguing to the experimental Sagittarius. Sadge inspires Taurus, and introduces them to exotic cuisines and all things cultural. But even while dating, they'll likely find that Taurus prefers home-bound pleasures, while Sadge wants to be out and about. They find bliss in the bedroom, but elsewhere have some real hurdles to overcome.

    Further into a relationship, the restless Sadge finds the Taurean focus too fixed, and start to consider the Bull slothful and a bit of a dullard. The explosive, adventure-seeking Sagittarian nature sets off alarms for the more cautious, productivity-minded Taurus. Taurus may think Sadge too scattered and careless. The last straw comes when Sadge bluntly tells the Bull what's wrong with their way of doing things. Once Taurus finds his natural rhythm under attack, the Bull stubbornly stomps in place a few times, and heads out the door. But if Taurus and Sadge have their eyes open, and know the danger signs, their differences could make this an interesting blend.

    Famous Couples: Kirsten Dunst (Taurus) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sagittarius)

  6. Try this site:

    Don't trust astrology to make your love matches! It's just not healthy.

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