
Can tea bags be thrown in the compost?

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  1. you can compost tea bags and also the little paper pouch they come in. There are a couple of things you need to watch out for though.

    -In some tea bags the piece of string is stapled onto the bag with a little metal staple. This shouldn't be a big problem in your garden if it's just the occasional one, but large amounts of staples aren't a good idea.

    -Some manufacturers are starting to use nylon tea bags because of their better tear-resistance, making manufactoring cheaper. These aren't compostable.

    If you're willing to put in the effort, you can of course rip open the bag and compost the content. Luckily these aren't a common sight yet where I live.

  2. yes, tea bags are good for the compost pile, so is coffee grounds.

  3. Yes, the bags themselves break down in time.

  4. Any brand will make a good addition.  Coffee grinds and egg shells are also good to add.

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