
Can team USA really beat spain??

by  |  earlier

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im kinda worried coz USA beat russia by 21 and spain beat russia by 30..i still think that they should have put amare on the team!




  1. 9 point difference, AK-47 couldn't do it by himself for russia. But yeah US will beat them. by 18

  2. Of course they will. Amare didn't WANT to play check wikipedia that's what he said."i've got to focus on the Phoenix suns It would be great to bring home the gold, but it's not at the top of my list.My # 1 priority is to bring a championship back to Phoenix.

  3. I think USA can.  They're undefeated so far and have won by blow-out margins.  It's hard to stop Kobe and Lebron.  They should have put Amare in.  Answer my question about Amare Stoudemire.  Go USA.

  4. yes they can beat spain, and they askd amare but he didnt wanna do it cuz of his knee

  5. That Russia game was just a exibition

    The USA team they were just on cruise control

    Come August 11th when the real games start they will Turn It Up

  6. i think the olny thing  USA ddin't below out rissia by 30 or + has a lot to do with  fatigue. practicing every day playing game non stop and flying over often is the main problems. i wouldn't worry about spain either all they got is one two punch but mark my word is the get a day off b4 they play spain i will b first 2 say it they will below htem out by morethan 30.  

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