
Can teens be arrested when they beat sucker punch someone at their own home?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbor has 2 sons. The younger one had a friend over to visit and the older boy sucker punched the kid. The stepfather of these boys said you can't be arrested if you beat up someone at your home.




  1. Yes you can,it's assault.

  2. you cant get arrested under 18  

  3. It's called assault & battery and it's a crime no matter where it happens.

  4. yes, just ask her

  5. Bullshit.

    If the person was breaking in, okay.  But an invited guest?  Wrong.  That's assault, plain and simple.

  6. Assault is assault no matter where it took place, you can def get charged.  

  7. The stepfather is full of c**p.  You can be arrested if you beat someone up no matter where you are.  The kid that got punched can also sue the homeowner.

    h**l, there have been thousands of cases of people getting sued by burglars that broke into these people's house and fell and hurt themselves.  They then sue the homeowner and win most of the time......our justice system sucks, so might as well use it to your advantage.

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