
Can tetras go with cichilids?

by  |  earlier

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More specificly buenos aires tetras,giant danios and short finned serpae tetras?




  1. In a large number of cases this would be just fine.  Sometimes no.  It depends because you need to not only specify lake or water of origin, but the species as well.  Some like an Oscar are fish that tend to eat anything they can fit in their mouth, and these community types would be considered a food source.  Others like many Africans, I've been able to keep these with mine.  It really depends.  In the future when asking something about your fish if you get the one you are thinking, please keep in mind just the word cichlid alone doesn't say much.  There are 1000's of species of cichlids from all over the world.  It's to your advantage to know the species of fish you have and to list that.

  2. no no no no.......

  3. It depends on the cichlids if they are  most dwarf species it should be alright buy if it is any other kind I wouldn't try it. Put them in a tank by themselves (I mean all of your cichlids of course)

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