
Can texting way too much possibly damage or deform your hand?

by Guest56467  |  earlier

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I have BlackJack SAMSUNG i have been texting so much like 40 hours 2 days ago without sleep...I text everyday!!! every Second!




  1. u could probably get carpel tunnel from that continued use of anything could possibly damage that area.also could get a prob with your shoulder just be careful.

  2. TAKE A BREAK u need another hobby sorry to say

  3. NO not deform but could cause arthritis

  4. i don't think so but typing can  

  5. Yes, actually it can cause a type of repetitive motion trauma to the thumb. I have seen a few articles from doctors who are seeing it in their clinics.

  6. I'm not sure but my right hand is already damaged and it's not from texting.

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