
Can the Apple Store find out if you use LimeWire?

by  |  earlier

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I need to take my ipod to the store to be fixed, but i use limewire. Is there anyway they can tell you do? What will happen if they knew?




  1. i hope not. cuz i do

  2. Highly unlikely they will know you use Limewire. Limewire is nothing more than a large network of files that can be searched for and ultimately downloaded. They will be unable to distinguish a limewire file from an ordinary file you would otherwise pay for. Files are files. And if they find out, you're going to jail for life (just kidding). Everyone does it!

  3. Only if you loaded Limewire onto your iPod.

  4. yes its likely they will hand you over to the feds.

    You will be hung from your headphones.

  5. No they can't.  I've taken mine in before.  All they will be able to tell is what kind of files you have.  The iTunes store files will be Protected AAC files, while limewire files would be MPEG or MP3 and they can't do anything about it because you can easily convert songs or get them from a CD.  Don't worry, it's fine.

  6. NO! Unless they see it physically on your ipod/itunes, there's no way to find out.  I've been using limewire since it came out for my ipod/itunes.

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