
Can the Cops track where stuff on the internet was written from?

by Guest65089  |  earlier

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okay, soo i supposidly wrote something on the internet which i never did and somebody called the cops on me for something i never said.. can they track where and whose computer it was written from?




  1. Yes they sure can,, if your innocent dont fret about it..

  2. Yes and very easily. When you connected to a website your IP address is logged. This can be used to find your address. Unless you did something very bad they wont go through the trouble of tracking you down. However if its bad and they want to find you they could find you in a few hours easily.

  3. yup :P if its serious enough..they can  

  4. Yeah

  5. Yes, they can.  They use the IP number.  

  6. yes

  7. Yes. By your IP address. But its okay, just explain the situation.

  8. yes they can , that's called packet sniffing.

  9. Yes they can.  I was getting p**n on my computer and the Senator got involved and they entered my ip address and located the person responsible

  10. yes a little old friend of theirs called an 'IP adress'

  11. Yes, so be prepared if you wrote something truly horrible, get proof that this was a sick joke or seek legal help.

  12. yes they can, right to there front door.

  13. Yes they can track the IP number.

  14. yes they can

  15. Yes.

  16. Yes they can. If you didn't do it you have nothing to be concerned about.

    Oh, and it has nothing to do with packet sniffing.

    It has more to do with IP logging.

    Most if not all sites track IP addresses of people visiting.

    Email also contains the IP address and system name of the computer where it originated, even if you use yahoo or some other web based email.

    Packet sniffing is where packets are discretely "snatched up" while going across a network. The contents of the packets can be examined for content.

    It's like taking pictures of cars as they go down a road with out ever stopping them. You can examine the pictures to see what/who is in the car.

  17. If you never did it why are you asking ? To answer your  question, Yes. If you can't say something, " Face to Face", don't be a wuss.

  18. Yay your screwed bud.

  19. yes they can track the IP address

  20. Ha... yes everything... i mean everything on the internet is trackable, the only question is if whatever the crime was is worth their resources to do so.

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