
Can the DLR Fine me if I don't have zone 1 on my Travelcard?

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I have a travelcard, zones 2 to 4. Can the DLR fine me for traveling from a zone 1 tfl underground station (Bank) to a zone 2 DLR station (Shadwell)? Same question for the return journey. Thanks.




  1. Are you Mad or Thick? if you paid for your travel card between zones 2 & 4 and you try to get on or off at Bank tube station your ticket will not open the ticket gate & the only way that you will get past it is by jumping the gate, then you will probably get arrested! So just go and buy a ticket, it will also mean that thoses of us who do not fare dodge do not have to pay for people like you who try!!!

    So in answer to your question DLR can fine you (The DLR Staff are the same staff who run the tub, just differant uniforms!)

  2. I don't think the DLR would be able to fine you, but the Underground would.

    If you were able to get into Bank in the first place with the incorrect travelcard (I can't remember if there are barriers there)... then you should be okay, but should anybody stop you while you were in Zone 1, you could be fined.

    Same goes for getting through the barriers for the return journey to Bank.

    If it's an Oyster Card, then the DLR might be able to fine you as they would realise you hadn't 'touched in' at a Zone 2, 3 or 4 station.

    Essentially though, you wouldn't be able to enter or leave at Bank with a Zone 2-4 travelcard in the first place - unless there are no barriers, but then you're still running a risk if you are stopped.

  3. Try this :

    Most of the transport in London is considered cross network, this is based upon working in and around the city.

  4. Yes, you have travelled from Bank without paying as it is in Zone 1, so they are entitled to fine you.

  5. If you are caught out of Zone you will be fined it is so simple !

    Sorry, mate, but you better get an all zone card or change in Zones covered by your card.

    Me, myself, I stay in hotels and walk to work.

    Mostly i stay in France with my family only going to UK for work and essential travel.

    After all, it;s an incredible rip off and too expensive to travel for most people on UK public transport, especially to work in peak times.

    The gov't is ripping you off Dont let them !

    Plan how to avoid using the DLR like getting a bike or staying in a hotel near to work and only work 3 days then spend a very long weekend being happy and away from work !

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