
Can the Dead Sea freeze?

by Guest67106  |  earlier

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Can the Dead Sea freeze?




  1. Water as salty as the Dead Sea would freeze at about minus 20 degrees Celsius (-4 f). So yes, it could freeze in theory, but not likely given the climate.

  2. No.  It would not freeze.  The salinity of the Dead Sea in the upper water layer is about ten times that of the Mediterranean Sea - about 30%.

  3. yea it can...drop a little liquid nitrogen......itll freeze

  4. Technically speaking, the climate of the Dead Sea is much too warm for there ever to be a chance of it freezing.  That being said, if we were able to take the Dead Sea and move it to a much colder climate what would happen?  Basically, salt water can freeze, but it takes a MUCH lower temperature than pure water.  Pure water freezes at 0 degrees C, or 32 degrees F.  Assuming the Dead Sea is a saturated solution of salt (meaning it has as much salt absorbed in it that it could ever hold) the temperature would need to be around -21 degrees C, or -6 degrees F.

  5. no

  6. With as high a salinity as it has, I'd find that unlikely...but then ocean water can freeze. The area where it is located doesn't get all that cold, so it's probably not much of a concern.

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