
Can the Dodgers win the worst Divion in Baseball now?

by Guest61114  |  earlier

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Can the Dodgers win the worst Divion in Baseball now?




  1. The Dbacks have a great pitching staff and a good line up but the dodgers have great pitching and just got a whole lot better in the lineup.  

  2. Yes they can and getting Manny will help.

    But this is not a very good team that will

    lose in the 1st round of the playoffs.

  3. I still think the Diamondbacks will win the division because of their pitching. LA just doesn't a staff that can compete with Haren, and Webb.

  4. Now they should be handed it pretty much. They have an offense.

  5. They CAN make a run to win their division, BUT the division will go down to the wire with the dodgers against the Diamondbacks.

  6. of course

    even though i hate the red sox

    manny is on the dodgers and he will freakin beast on all of dem

    and den he will make everyone in boston suck on his ballsack

  7. It is possible but The Diamondbacks have good pitching

  8. they can and will even if they didnt get Man Ram

  9. possibly

  10. i think the diamondbacks are going to win the division

  11. I thought they were gonna win it anyways

  12. d**n I can tell you’re an Angel fan...

    And to answer your question, yes this puts them in a good position to win the division

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