
Can the GOP do anything but run away from the Bush record?

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Unemployment at a 5 year high of 6.1%, a housing market dropping to depression era weakness ( ), national debt have risen to $9.67 trillion from $5.27 trillion when Bush took ofifce, the federal budget going from a $300bn surplus to a half trillion deficit, and starting a war Iraq either by mistake or by malfeasance, it's hard to see how Republicans can run on their record. Their record shows they couldn't run a Tupperware party




  1. You're alive aren't you.  You've been safe.  You don't need good employment, a house to live in, a surplus, and all that other stuff if you're dead

  2. They can point out that Obama/Biden voted with Bush more often than McCain did.

  3. If it wasn't for the Bush record you'd be one pile of Al Qeada fodder.  Probably burnt up by dirty bombs released on us because a Democratic party is in denial that we are in danger from terrorist attacks and is content to wait until they come to our soil again instead of meeting them head on in Iraq.

    My house value has increased by 45% since 1998.  Those that are losing there homes are doing so mostly because they were duped by shoddy mortgage companies who talked them into buying more than they could really afford.  Don't blame that on Bush.  I don't want the government running every facet of US businesses.

    As for the deficit, yes it takes money to protect us something Clinton didn't do.  He wanted to cut military spending and closed many bases.

    I take more of my earnings home thanks to Bush, a cut that Obama wants to end.

    Yeah, we want Barak Carter in office for sure.  NOT!



  4. Bad presidents are bad presidents, nothing you can do about it. If your theory is true, after Jimmy Carter, no Democrat would ever be elected again.

  5. The GOP does not exist.  The PNAC destroyed it.  What we have today no way resembles the GOP.

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