
Can the Human body survive Temperatures of over 1100 degs F?

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Can the Human body survive Temperatures of over 1100 degs F?

If a person was trap in a building and temperature of that structure reached over 1100 deg F, what would be their chances of survival?




  1. u will die in seconds

  2. The human body can only survive in temperatures of about 140 degrees F.  In 1100 degrees they would literally turn into ash.

  3. nope too hot.

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  4. Welcome to h**l.

    Population: Zero

  5. nope, a person would cook maybe bye 200degrees F

  6. ohh im not an expert but id say somewhere round 0% survival chance!!



  7. no chance in He.. to hot would melt the skin right off. no air to breath instant death

  8. They must have been a Super Hero HEAT MAN!

    And he must have supported boil in the bag underpants those veggies must have cooked in seconds.

  9. they wouldn't be alive by the time it hit 1100degrees d;

  10. I once had a temperature of 42 deg c (and rising) =107.60 deg F (I think) they never told me how hot I got in hospital, and felt like I was dying.  Then whilst under supervision in Hospital, my skin boiled along the vein lines and I had blisters the size of small golf balls, I turned up at hospital with a hideous swelling and a rasberry coloured rash and discharged myself looking like a burns victim, because they were too incompetent to treat me.

  11. LOL, very good point.

  12. No. The burning fires would probably kill you anyway, but you would never be able to survive because if you can get a major sunburn by tanning for 3 hours, that if you were in temperatures of 1100 degrees, then your skin would burn in about 20 seconds and the rest of your body would follow in the course of about 13 minuites.

  13. No, there is no chance of survival.

  14. maybe if you have a fire suit, but i don't know what temperature they go up to.

  15. Nada chance--but thats what the so-called scientists defending the govt's account of 911 expect us to believe. LMAO.

  16. Boiled-beef-and-carrots, boiled-beef-and-carrots...........

  17. h**l NO! you will be dead 800 degrs earlier and 1100 degs you will be nothing but ashes,Unless you are the dude from fantastic 4!

  18. No chance at all, 0%

  19. i must be missing something here


    umm..the answer is NO

  20. Nope, unless possibly with special protective gear.  But that's mighty darn hot.

  21. This is a dumb question.

  22. C'mon honey.  I'm hot, but I'm not THAT hot!

  23. Well, considering your body is about 75% water (muscle: 75% water, blood 90% water, bone 22% water), which boils at 212 degs F,  I'd imagine you would "boil" to death if you spent any considerable amount of time in a 300 deg. room!

    Now, if it was a humid 1100 degrees... ;-)

  24. nope wed burn melt

  25. As far as the first part, the answer is yes, without a doubt. It would simply have to be a very short duration, the hotter, the shorter the duration. As far as the second, while I doubt very much it could happen, and if every nook and cranny reached that temperature, then no, the human body could not survive. But if there were some pockets that reached a temperature not nearly so high, which would be very likely until the entire structure was engulfed, then possibly. Keep in mind that at sea level water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Since we need water to survive, in fact since we are almost all water, then life would cease long before our bodies reached that temperature. The difference would be whether the high temperature was simply some energy source that momentarily subjected the body to a high external temperature, or whether the body itself reached that temperature. If the exposure was brief enough, then it is possible, unlikely but possible, that we could experience it without even noticing it. (Of course that opens the question of if we do not realize it, do we really experience it?)

  26. only at night

  27. no

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