
Can the Indian Railways keep all the railway stations neat & clean?

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Congratulations to our railway minister for creating a committee to clean the Indian railway stations. Is it possible to clean all the Indian railway statations? It is a good idea to clean all the Indian railway stations




  1. No...

  2. its depends on passenger or people who get travelled by train

  3. Chuk de Indian Railway. If train travellers(me too) are clean the clean idea may work out.

  4. how it is possible,dont think is it possible may be after 100years

  5. If there is a will there is a way .We are committed for cleanliness and will achieve the same to show our standard .Now we are maintaining the standard and going to initiate step to clean all along the stations by private participation and people support .

    The government is seriously taking the matter into account .

  6. it's upto indian people,how they think.As I love kolkata i always try to keep it clean as much as it upto me.

  7. its not possible , even though many measures have been taken

  8. I think if people start keeping cleanliness then they can! I think another 10 years !

  9. stop travalling in buses start travalling in train the seeeeee

    yes they keep clean

  10. Possibly one day, but when people throw litter on the floor in the streets, and out of the train windows without any thought I do not think it will happen overnight.

  11. yes, it can be accomplished if we also take it as our personal responsibility.

  12. No its not possible even if its given in pvt.hands, seeing the network of Indian Railway. Its people themselves who have to keep it clean. It will take many yrs to have such civic sense in India.I'm talking about the whole country

  13. HAHA wont happen. They might clean 1 or 2 for the media but other than that nothing will be done. Just more taxes, more jobs for corrupt politicians friends doing nothing

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