
Can the Mexican or German nations be divided by fences, walls, or military borders ?

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Mexico is an ancient Nation within a new nation!

W0W!. . . How scary for those nation less who fear powerful Nations!

United We Stand!

Viva Mexico!

Heil Deutschland!




  1. Look if we were invading your country you would it build two fence not one. Just look at your Central American illegals coming to your country, What you do with them,, you rob them, abuse them, rape their women and then throw them in jail for long periods. What are you Mexican people talking about. You should all be reported to the UN Civil Right Organization. You people act uncivilized.


    I'm not from Cuba and my country is the USA and second Cubans are going to Mexico because Mexico is closer to Cuba and they think that just because you all speak Spanish you are going to treat them better, but they don't really know that you are inti-immigrants.

  2. Mexico could be divided by about 3 fences. One for people like yourself who seem to have a loose grip on reality!

  3. Mexico can't be divided! Mexico is a sacred nation.

  4. A Nation like Mexico or Germany  can be divided economically and politically, but never culturally and spiritually.

  5. WTF? Since I cant figure out what you're ranting about I'll just take my 2 points and go...

  6. Considering the Nation of Mexico didn't exist until a few hundred years ago and considering that the Nation of Mexico is NOT divided by a fence what is your point?

    I assume you have absolutely no problems when Mexico enforces their border crossing laws and immigration policies with their neighbors to the south so why then is their a problem when we take actions to protect our border with Mexico?

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