
Can the Perseid Meteor Shower, on Aug 12, 2008 , be seen from Northeastern Brazil?

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Can the Perseid Meteor Shower, on Aug 12, 2008 , be seen from Northeastern Brazil?




  1. Yes you can.  The radiant will only be about 40 degrees high in your sky, but that should still give you a good show.  The best time is from about 2:00 AM, to dawn.

    Edit: Huh?  What did I say?  What's the thumb for?  Geez, if someone thinks I gave a bad answer, post your own so I can learn from it.

  2. Yes, meteor showers are usually visible over the entire Earth.

    You need a dark site, far from bright city lights.

    You will need to look north, towards the constellation Perseus (while its considered a northern constellation, it is visible as far south of the equator as 35 degrees south latitude).

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