
Can the State force a Mother to carry Health Insurance on her children?

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I live in Arizona and my daughter's two children have always had Medical Insurance provided by their Father ordered by the court.Now their father decided he doesn't want to work any more because they are taking child support out of his check, he's a real loser. My daughter went to DES to try to get my grandchildren on State Medical and they told her that since her job offers medical she would have to get health insurance their for the kids. My daughter can barely pay her rent and feed her kids. I just don't think that the State can force her to have medical Insurance she can not afford. If any one knows the law in Arizona please reply.




  1. Yes, they sure can, and she can take that dead beat to court and have him locked up for not following orders.

  2. They can't force her to get insurance, but they can certainly reject her application for state-funded insurance. Sounds like that's what they did.

    If their dad is court-ordered to provide medical insurance for his kids and he's not doing so, he's in contempt. Sounds like the lawyers should go have a talk with him.

  3. Ummm hello, YOu think that it is okay for the man to provide insurance that he probably can not afford but it is not okay for your daughter.


    You leave me speachless she should have to have her kids on medical through her work.  I have my kids on medical through my work and I pay 474 dollars a month.  It is very tough for me but since there fathers job does not offer and mine does I would rather pay that then live off the state.  If she could not afford the kids on her own then she should not have had them.

    It should not be only the fathers reponsibility to provide health insurance.

  4. Yes, if she has access through her employer, she has to use that insurance BEFORE she can use welfare insurance.  But in many states, the state children's health insurance plan will help her PAY for that private insurance.

    So yes.  They can refuse her welfare insurance, if she can get it from work.  No, they can't make her buy the insurance through her work - but if she doesn't want to, they don't have to give her welfare insurance, either.  She can leave her kids uninsured.

  5. I'm not in Arizona but I've run into people in Ohio that can't get health insurance for themselves without getting it for their kids.  It sounds like the state doesn't provide medical if it is being offered by the job.  The court order sounds like it;s a percentage of income.  No income, no pay child support.  Maybe your daughter could have the child support changed to a set amount based on his earning potential as proved by his track record to date.  No income, STILL owe child support= go get a job.

  6. No, the state cannot force a person to get insurance, but if the mother does not meet the financial criteria for free for subsidized  care, then she is on her own.

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