
Can the TARDIS ever be destroyed?

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I mean if its been through both tim and space, in the past and future, surely it cant be destroyed




  1. no, the TARDIS will live on forever!

  2. In Voyage of the Damned the Titanic crashed into it while its defenses were down and destroyed just the one wall. Also the Daleks almost destroyed it in the last series finale. So if its defenses are down or you have the ability to do what the Daleks did, yes it can be destroyed.

  3. Ah i know what you mean. Although perhaps it can be destroyed in one time, the TARDIS will always exist in some other time period. So the TARDIS can never be removed from both time and space, since it has existed in so many time periods. Unless of course something wierd happened and you know Doctor Who lol.

  4. Bearing in mind that in the series finale (recently) it almost was destroyed by the daleks in their ship with donna inside, i think its possible, but it never will =D

  5. Depends if its in the script, doesn't it?

    sorry. With that argument, I suppose it can't

  6. well there was a phone box just up the road from here, and i thought that was indestructable like the tardis, but the kids managed to blow it up, with fireworks.

  7. At risk of sounding like a geek, it can be destroyed (in fact it almost was in the series finale this year) however it would still keep on turning up in places because that history has already been written. To paraphrase the great doctor himself- time isn't linear, its actually wobbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

    So basically it can actually be destroyed but will keep on living through its past from the beginning of the universe (because its been there) to the end of earth (because its also been there).


  8. If the defences of the TARDIS are disabled then it would be possible to destroy it, but as has already been stated it has been in so many different times and places if it was destroyed today it would still appear some were tomorrow because it would be executing an action from its past! and this would go on like a loop effect the only way for the TARDIS to be destroyed in its entirety would be for some one to go back in time to its creation and destroy it before it made any journeys  so therefore you have changed its future therefore it can't take the Doctor or any of his companions on any journey by changing the future of the TARDIS you could in theory destroy it and stop it appearing at different points in time and space, but presuming the TARDIS was created on Gallifrey then this can't happen because Gallifrey no longer exists at any point in time (due to the outcome of the time wars) so no one can visit the planet to destroy anything.

    With that I am off to put the d**n kettle on need a coffee after that one (lol)  

  9. Dificult but possible.

    and if it was destroyed me (and many other doctor who crazyfreaks) would cry in agony lol

  10. dont think so its immortal. like the occupant.

  11. If the Time Lords and Gallifrey can be destroyed completely and removed entirely from the Timeline, along with all their Time Capsules and Tardises (Tardi?), so can the Doctor's Tardis.

    Not easy to do with all the Tardis defenses, but we must assume that it's possible.

  12. It stands to reason - if Gallifrey can be destroyed - then a little TARDIS should be no problem at all for an ingenious Doctor Who villain.

  13. I'm pretty sure it can be destroyed.  The Doctor got very worried in 'Journey's End' when Davros & the Daleks chucked it into that fire pit.  I think the Doctor said something like 'You can't do that, it's defenses are down, it'll be destroyed'.  If it wasn't for the Doctor Donna who happened to be in the TARDIS at the time, it probably would have been smashed up and destroyed.

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