
Can the U.S. be attacked by an atomic bomb that is made by terrorists?

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i have read a lot about atomic bombs i i really am into it. i came to think of it the other day that making atomic bomb is easier than i used to think and any "group" can make it with sufficient supplies. and i know there could be a lot of groups that are never known. so what are the odds the we are going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb made by terrorists?




  1. i have said for 15 yrs that someday they will stick a bomb aboard a cagro container and float it into new yokr city and blow the hole place all too h**l

  2. Only by an American will use that on America no outsiders want to do it. History knows only American use WMD`S and blame it on others as bad guys. People on the out side wish to have peace and tranquility. But in US they need wars to feed their frnzy to have the right to gun ownership. I only wish if that d**n gun was never ever invented may be then you would not be asking this question.

  3. Destroyed completely? Almost zero chance. A country the size of the USA would require a massive strike of the kind only a full on nuclear exchange with Russia and China could provide. There is however a danger of single nuke getting into the hands of terrorists - most likely they'd have to buy it - probably from one of the breakaway Soviet Union provinces. It is unlikely that any foreign government with half a brain ( and most of them have that) would sanction or support supplying such a weapon - no matter how much they hate us - the chances of massive US retaliation keep that in check. They would then have to deliver it - easier said than done but still possible - as one poster said before me - in a container ship would be most likely. A well placed nuke would do tremendous damage to a US city - kill thousands possibly millions - and bring the economy to its knees. As for the odds of that happening - I don't have a clue. The US is obviously alerted after 9-11 and there are many more knowledgeable people than I working it - I'm sure. But the danger very definitely does exist we'd be fooling ourselves to think otherwise.

  4. highly unlikely, there hasn't been an attack on the u.s. with any kind of bomb since 9/11. so an attack with a nuclear device would be even harder.

  5. Yes. The pro-terrorist lawyer is working on allowing it. Their chief, Obama, would do nothing.  

  6. Would be totally stupid of them to do so. No one nuke would destroy the USA. If it ever happened most likely we would annihilate a huge portion of the middle east. Would be like some fat kid sucker-punching Chuck Liddel (a very stupid thing).

    hopeless - hey dumba$$, does the name Saddam Hussein mean anything to you? He's used WMD's on his OWN people.  I'm sure groups like Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Armed Islamic Group, Islamic Jihad Group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Al-Jihad only wish to seek peace as well right? You are truly a HOPELESS ignoramus.

  7. MADE by terrorists.. no.  The ability to make atomic weapons is beyond the capabilities of terrorist organizations.

    USED by terrorists is different though.  I believe it really is only a matter of time before that happens.  That's something that should make "moderate" Iranians reconsider their support for Iran's nuclear weapons program.  If the terrorists use a nuke in the US, Europe or Israel,  Iran becomes a radioactive wasteland.

  8. I don't think you'll see them shooting a missile across our borders as someone else suggested... but suitcase-type nuclear bombs being carried in are... sadly... quite possible once you get the right materials.

  9. It wouldn't be smart of them. We'd just shoot the missle down and then blow them up.

  10. Israel would probably do it and then blame the Arabs

  11. Unfortunately, I don't believe it would be a big challenge.  We have an open border nearly 3000 miles long.  I don't know how large an atomic bomb is or weighs, but, pictures of the thing don't seem to impose a major problem with getting it across the border.

    Regrettably, I believe this Republican led President and the rest of the right wingers have put the United States in grave danger by projecting a danger of terrorists to middle east; and, therefore our resources are framed around that arena.  Here, at home, very little has been done to protect our shores and borders.  Outside of harrassing little old ladies in airports the President and his followers have done little except spend money on useless projects.


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