
Can the USA risk another Republican president?

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Go to the link and check out the pattern forming.

Debt increased when George Bush (Republican) took office

Debt decreased when Bill Clinton (Democrat) took office

Debt increased when George Bush (Republican) took office.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$1.92 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

Current debt is $9,654,689,786,863.32

Now, what do you think of the up coming election?

Who would be better for the economy? Republican or Democrat?




  1. No, no and h**l no.

  2. Republican president would be the best choice for the country.  Here's a hint, raising taxes DOESN'T HELP THE ECONOMY.  Sup laffer curve.  That website also screams of liberal bias.  

    Also, the USA still is the top country in the world.  If you don't think so though, you are more than welcome to pack up and move.  We don't want you here.

  3. Maybe not but can we afford another Jimmy Carter?

    No worse a Socialist Jimmy Carter?

  4. Clinton stripped the Military to bare bones and was not prepared to take on the responsibilities that Geo Bush did regarding Sept 11. He would have tarnished his legacy if he fought back and left a mountain of debt.

    Geo Bush did not question what critics thought, he promised the people that he would go after those who would dare to attack Americans on American soil.He promised us safety and that it would never happen again.

    Security is expensive, but he kept his word.

    We will get the whole job done. Even as we are under this debt, the economy grew in the last quarter. There are problems, yes, We are not a nation that turns away from difficulty.

    The next president needs to get rid of earmarks, have a tight fisted attitude toward spending, examine programs and audit those that are duplicated and close thos no longer serving us well.

    We must rebuild the Military, build our strength and reputation with honest, dealings at home and abroad.

    We must not tax ourselves into lethargy where we can't grow, where everybody is living on the edge. Bless the rich, they open stores and businesses, hire personnel, promote advancemant of ideas and expansion. If we impoverish them who will foot the bill of growth?

    We need to tighten our belts, get more money back into pay envelopes and not crush the small business man with red tape or expensive mandates.

  5. Wait on the dollar-to-Euros conversion until after November 4th.  I'm predicting an Obama landslide.

  6. or for that matter another Democrat President?

    Think about it, BOTH parties have run candidates for ALL offices and said candidates promise all sorts of wonderful things, and do they deliver? NO!

    Abandon the Donkey and the Elephant!

    The alternative candidates on the ballot are the NONE OF THE ABOVE bit to check when the "front runners" are unacceptable!


  8. The European market is facing a recession as well mate. America will bounce back, just you wait and see. It won't ever be as it once was, but we will see some sort of "normalcy" as it were. Presidents really only have so much that they can do to help the economy. Considering the candidates I'm much more inclined to believe a Democrat will be better for the American economy. Last thing we need right now is a WWIII scenario and another 100 years of occupation in Iraq.

  9. Yes.  McCain is no Bush.  Too bad he didn't win eight years ago.  I am conservative but do not always side with republicans.  Bush has been terrible.  He would make me embarrassed to call myself a republican if I were one.

  10. Maybe it's just Bush's.

  11. I guess you're an expert at reading a graph.

  12. we could of if that elected pres was ron paul but again the republicans failed to pick the right candidate  

  13. NO!! In order to save this country, we have to elect Obama to be our president

  14. I'll most definitely be voting for McCain, thanks.

  15. Republicans have made a complete shambles of the entire political process and our standing in the world, our economy, the justice system and just about all aspects of the American dream. I'm amazed at how many people don't see this. I'm glad you do. Go Barack and Joe!

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