
Can the altuist accept the accolade of 'generous'?

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Can the altruist accept any accolade at all?




  1. Personally, I don't believe the condition exists! We all do things of a seriously generous nature, but in doing so, we feel good about in strictest definition, aren't we being selfish when we are generous???? This question, and the meanings create a conflict, no matter how you look at it.  

  2. Aye hen I have a wee altruist  living next door and he is always giving a good few bob to charity.

  3. It's my opinion that a true altruist expects no thanks or praise and may prefer to remain anonymous.  I have mixed feelings about the way that our schools attempt to teach altruism.  They conduct contests to see who can collect the most for charities.  The class with the most contributions wins a pizza party or a plaque or some other prize to praise their generosity.  Although they collect a lot for charity this way, is this true altruism?  Will these same children always expect too much thanks for their good deeds?  Just a thought.

  4. They are one in the same to me.

    My experience is that persons who are altruist are generous by definition.

  5. Personally, I agree wih GW..

    Selflessness or sacrifice is an individual"s choice in each situation.

    It's a higher calling that we choose to answer for different reasons..


  6. I believe that someone who is truly, at heart, altruistic, does not consider herself to be generous, but rather "merely" performing her obligation to the world.  Given, however, that it is impossible that altruism can completely define a person's character, I am sure there are other compliments she could accept.


    "You are very well spoken!"

    "Thank you!  I used to stutter as a child and I had to go through years of speech therapy."

  7. Maybe in private but not done so publicly.

  8. Being altruistic means doing the right thing for the right reasons,

    not as so many people who think they are altruistic do, which is the

    right thing for the wrong reasons eg.  self publication.

    It is easy to be generous, generosity costs nothing. Just a goodness

    of heart.

    Altruism - a regard for others as principle of action

    Generous - noble-minded, not mean, free in giving.

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