
Can the army deply someone who is attending college?

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they told my boyfriend that they won't deploy someone who is attending college. does that mean he can spend he four years of active duty in college, and not be deployed?




  1. Yes.

  2. If your boyfriend is currently active duty, and being paid to go to college, then yes the Army most certainly can deploy him if it sees fit.

    The contract is for at least 9 years of service regardless of what he's doing.

    Although actually the Army probably wouldn't deploy him unless it was a national crisis or something like that. don't sweat it!  

  3. That is so not true...................

  4. Yes - and I have experience in that - they can deploy ANYONE THEY WANT.

    When and if they deploy your boyfriend depends on what he does and if he is doing it for the military.  Is he a contracted cadet in ROTC?  Chances are if he is in his last two years, he will not be deployed.  If he is a National Guardsman or Reservist, then chances are, he will be deployed at any time.

  5. That is a funny question...(funny as in strange)

    I mean that there are programs that send people to college for however long and the person becomes an officer. Nursing is one of those programs. Enlisted people go to school as their job and get paid and then become an officer...usually people in those types of programs do not deploy because the military is spending money on them to get educated in a field they need.

    ROTC is completely different because the person is not actually fully in the military until they graduate. That is just part of going to college. There are a few exceptions. (like if they are in the reserves too) then it will depend. Usually they leave ROTC alone. It is not guaranteed.

    Now if on the other hand he is taking college courses at night using his Tuition Assistance...that is completely different. Yes, they do deploy people taking night courses. When I was in the Navy people had to work something out with the professor or quit the school and go on the deployment.

  6. Most likely it means they will let him finish a term, then deploy him before the next term.

  7. the only way they cannot be deployed is if they are ROTC.  regular Reserves or Active duty.. heck yeah,m they can be deployed.  

  8. sure they can... they can also take classes WHILE deployed.  the needs of the military is ALWAYS first (see contract).

  9. That excuse didn't work for me!

  10. The short, honest answer is ABSOFRIGGINLUTELY.  You are probably thinking of or have had someone tell you that you don't but that's bunk.  It's bunk that is based on old law during the days of a draft.  You could get a college deferment while actively in school.

  11. yah-no

  12. If the persons rank is enlisted, yes.

  13. im pretty sure they can...they just deployed somebody that was drafted to the NFL from army college.

  14. Yes they can. They make you think all of these great things until youve signed your life away. My uncle is a recruiter and he knows and tells me a lot about how crappy they lie and stuff. It sucks. BUt they are defending our country so im thankful, just not so much at the lying recruiters and generals.  

  15. ummno ..unless he is going to college everyday with the end result being him being commisioned as an officer...but if he joins the army as an enlisted person....does his bootcamp etc decides to start a few classes...yes they can still send him because you can do online husband took two online classes while deployed to iraq

  16. Your boyfriend has a contract to serve for a certain period of time.

    The military will use his trained skills as they have paid to train him.

    They certainly may try to accommodate for a period but would send where he is needed.

  17. That's not true.  If they need to deploy him they will.  That's what being in the Armed Forces means.  Ready to serve.

    Wouldn't you think if there was such a loop hole that the amount of college applications would go through the roof before each war.

  18. does he have that in writing?  my husband is in the guards and i know there are guys that are in school but still get activated and deployed.  i have never known college to be an excuse not deploying.  i think that would make a HUGE loop hole many would choose to exploit

  19. Someone being enrolled in classes is about the last thing on the Army's mind when pulling up deployment orders. They do not all.  

  20. Is it in writing somewhere?  Even if it is, I'm certain there is some mitigating clause, as the needs of the Army will always come first.

  21. Yeah they can. They own him when he signs that contract. It is also unilateral, which means they don't have to provide on their end of the bargain if they don't want to, but you have to.  

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