
Can the boxing club do anything if one of their boxers age 10 has assaulted my daughter at 9 and left bruising

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Can the boxing club do anything if one of their boxers age 10 has assaulted my daughter at 9 and left bruising




  1. yes if you tell them, he will most probably be banned for using the sport to inflict bullying.  And if its a boy then he should be told that hes gunna make a pathetic man if he hits girls

  2. not if she is part of the club and it was a by the book spar

  3. That rather depends on the detail, on which you've been particularly sparse.

    Is your daughter part of the club? Was she in any way involved in a contest? If she's been hit during a training session it should be quite clear to you what the position is. It's a boxing club and people get punched. It is not always the case that everyone trains with someone of equal age or ability.

    You saying it's assault is really not enough information to go on in any way, shape or form.

    If you consider it to be assault might I ask why you are bothering with the boxing club when you should be calling the police?

  4. I hope so, incidentally my son has been attacked and injured by  members of a boxing club, I'll be interested to see the answers.

  5. Boxing teaches you to respect what you can do with your hands, not I'm happy to say use them in an adverse way. By all means report the boy to the club and I'm sure they'll put him straight.

  6. The boxing club may not do anything about it but the cops might.

  7. Any boxing club I know of will throw him out, that's unacceptable behaviour for a club member.

    In 1997, the government lowered the age children were presumed to know the difference between right and wrong from 14 to 10, so you could go to the police if you really wanted, though I'd suggest a word with the parents ought to come first.

  8. it is really the parents who you should be speaking to

  9. Your best off calling the police especially if this wasn't an accident.

  10. In my boxing club he would be banned and reported to the juvenile authorities.

  11. CALL THE COPS!  This is a legal issue.

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