
Can the car airbag deploy accidentally?

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Can the car airbag deploy accidentally?




  1. Yes, airbags Have deployed accidentally, and caused injuries.

  2. No not likely.  they have shielded wiring and at least 2 separate switches that have to be contacted at the same time in a series.   These have a gold plated steel ball that is stuck to a magnet.  You have to hit something hard enough with enough force to  break the ball loose from the magnet and touch the gold contacts at the same time.   The only time I have heard of them going off without being in an accident is when someone was fooling around under the dash not knowing what they were doing.

  3. Here is a great article and a few videos about the causes of accidental

    airbag deployment. Take a look!

  4. rarely yeh

  5. Yes, if you are in an accident. That is what is designed to do.

    By itself, No

  6. Rarely, but it does happen.

    However, when it does, it's usually AFTER an accident - when it hasn't already deployed.

    That depends on the nature of the accident. Airbags, as mentioned, are activated by impact switches - and to sum that up, have to really be hit with the right force/speed and be in the process of doing sufficient damage to activate them (so they don't go off if you bump someone in a car park!).

    However...since there are multiple switches, sometimes one can be broken and others not. Or a combination like that - and in that case there is a real, tangible risk that later on - the bag could deploy.

    These new side airbags are another issue - they're basically built to activate in a side collision (to stop your head hitting the window - meaning in a rear/head collision, they generally won't. However...if there is torsion or twisting on the side of the car - they can be set off.

    I'm in the Fire & Rescue service...we use the jaws of life to cut people out of cars - and are very, very careful if an airbag hasn't already gone off. We've found a couple of times recently in practice setups that if a crashed car is being cut open from the side, the side airbags can deploy...or if we undertake what's known as a "steering wheel pull" or "dash lift" - where we lift away the dash/wheel to free someone's legs - that movement can trigger the main airbag.

    So basically, yes and no. No without a crash (or tampering) - however a possible yes if there is a crash and they haven't already deployed - or if only the necessary ones have.

    Hope I helped!

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