
Can the chemicals in weed killer permeate into the home?

by  |  earlier

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If sprayed on and around plants and bushes in front of a bedroom, as an example, would the chemicals comprising the weed killer be able to permeate through the wall and into the bedroom / house itself, or are they contained outside and only harmful to those who leave the household?

Note that I have no clue what type of weed killer was used, so just give answers that encompass the broad spectrum of weed killers.




  1. All of this STUFF is WWII era nerve gas in a different form.

  2. It would be hard to say for sure, but my guess is that there is a very good possibility that weed killer sprayed right outside your home could very likely leach into the walls and on into your home.

    To be safe, I would keep all bedding, furniture and clothing away from the exterior wall.

    There are so many evironmentally friendly options now, that it would be best to use a natural method of weed removal instead of harsh and harmful chemicals.

  3. only if you got a steel frame and concrete wall else yes, the chemical well get in and it's only a matter of time

    you better stop spraying weed killer if you got wooden walls or brick wall because the gap between each brick will have tiny little holes...

    another option to kill weed is boiling water :) but it only last for like maybe a week and boiling water kills trees but cooking their root... so be careful when using my method to kill weeds :P

  4. As long as the directions are correctly followed on the chemical label, there should be no problem. As long as the chemical was applyed responsibly as well and not applying it in extravigant amounts there shouldn't be a problem either. I don't believe that a chemical can travel threw a wall like magic.

    I would say that you are safe, and are contained outside only. Although if really want to be on the safe side, I would just avoind the area for a little while, or wait till it rains.

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